chapter 3

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I woke up to the same nightmare, I got a better look at the girls face. She has freckles and light green eyes. This time she was trying to get near me but I ran. I ran as fast as I could till I reached a door. When I opened it I didn't bother to look I just ran... the floor below me disappeared and I was falling from the sky. 

The mind works in mysterious ways. I don't recall ever falling from that extent but my mind somehow replicates the feeling. I think about telling Dr.Maris but, I don't want to be here very long. I plan on leaving as soon as possible this place isn't bad I just don't want to spend my adulthood in a mental hospital. 

Yesterday I noticed a computer room, maybe I can find out where I am and more about my accident. I want to know more about my parent and me. Maybe I can try to find any scars or marks that can give me more information, my arms and legs were clear so was my stomach. I turn around and face my back to the mirror. 

I see a mark running down my back. How did I not notice it before. The scar is almost fully healed which means I've probably been here a while. I try to get a better view to see if there's anything else when I suddenly I hear the door open. "Hey umm I tried knocking but you weren't answering so I- oh shit I'm so sorry I didn't know you were changing" sam said and quickly covered her eyes.

 "Your fine I was just looking at my scar, did you need something? I ask changing the subject . "no just wanted to see if you wanted to get breakfast with me" she said with a nervous smile. "Sam" I said. "yeah?", "stop being awkward, you can wait for me outside I'll be out in a sec" I said. She just nodded and walked out. 

I got dressed and walked out. Sam followed and we walked to breakfast. It was still early so no one besides us were eating breakfast. "how were you so calm your first day here?" sam ask. "I don't know, I guess I was more thankful I didn't wake up in a ditch or some creepy cabin in the wood's". 

"personally I think waking up in the woods would be better than being with a bunch of loons but I mean pop off I guess". I started to dye of laughter, hearing sam talk like that was so far my favorite thing about this shady place. "that includes you bae" she says with a smile. "that's disrespectful for me and all the loons here" I say with a fake frown. 

We finished eating and made our way to morning workout. I enjoy running, makes me feel less of a lazy ass. "Morgan slow down" I hear a voice behind me say. I stop and turn to see SP catching his breath "I wanted to tell you there's a new girl" SP whispers to me as he walks away and start jogging again. I wonder who she is, I'll find out sooner or later. 

After our run I zone out as I walk back to my room thinking about this new girl. I see dr.Maris talking to a girl probably around the same age as me, she has black hair with red strips and she's about the same height as me. "ah Morgan, I was hoping I'd find you" dr. Maris says from down the hall. "yes ma'am".

"This is Bunny I though maybe you two could explorer around the perimeter for a while" Dr. says oddly happy. Of course I'd love too" I say trying to seem as polite as possible. Dr. Maris nods and walks away. "If you don't mind me asking how do you know your name, have you been here before?".

Bunny takes a minute to think about her answer. "I don't know honestly, I guess I was just one of the lucky one's who didn't forget". I gave her a smile and opened the main doors for her to lead her to the playground and field. She seemed to know around the place quite well, I don't want to suspect her of anything without evidence.

I questioned wether or not I could trust her, she seem's like a sweet girl but when I remember how I was yesterday she was nothing alike. I understand everyone handles situations differently but she seemed some what happy as if she had come home, The way she touched the playground equipment as if it was sentimental to her. "how long have you been here?" I say as I lean down to sit against the wall. 

"Almost 4 days, I spent those days asleep from what dr.Maris told me" she says walking towards me. She takes a seat next to me and looks out into the woods, "Do you remember what the outside world was like," "not really" I say trying to keep the conversations short since I was stuck in my thoughts. 

Sometimes I wish I knew what was going on in others mind because it would be very useful as of now. I think she's just a curious soul and I'm over reading this. We head inside and I introduce bunny to everyone at the table. I think sam know's something's on my mind but I make myself seem as normal as possible. 

I don't want to say anything until I have any evidence. As everyone gets aquatinted I sneak out to the computar lab and try to find as much info that I can. I search up my name and nothing, I try any accidents in my area and nothing. I take a deep breath back and lean back into my chair, what the hell am I doing, I'm going crazy aren't I. 

I decide to let it go and meet everyone in the hall for lunch, as I walk I see Dr.Maris arguing with a man in a white button up and mesh pants, he looks like someones math teacher thinking to myself and find myself laughing myself about that. "Maris this has gone too far, I won't let you ruin everything I have worked for". I hear the man yell as he walks away.

"This was my work to Steven, I'm the one handling this while you sit on the bleachers, I brought two new girls that's it. We need all the energy we can get". Dr.Maris goes quiet and walks away. The man rubs his forehead and turns towards me I pretend to walk down the hall and hope he doesn't suspect something. 

That's definitely my proof there. Why would he be so upset about getting new patients. I mean isn't that the whole point to make money. I go to my room and try to find something to write on. I look in my dresser and find a small black journal. I take a pen from my desk and write everything I know so far.  

I hear a knock at my door, "Come in" I say. Sam walks in and closes the door. "is everything ok?" she asks sitting on my bed. "yeah why wouldn't they be" I ask seeming clueless. "I saw the way you acted around bunny, and then you disappeared, did she do something?" she says. "what no, do you mind I'm sort of busy" I say avoiding eye contact and looking at my book. 

"what's going on Morgan," "nothing" I shot back. "then why are you getting defensive?" she says trying to be patient. "something just seem's off about this place" I say in a low tone.

"yeah you think" sam says smiling. I look at her confused. "The staff is fucken creepy, there's only one doctor attending all of us, and were in the middle of fucking no where almost like they're hiding us from the outside world". "so you agree?" I say. "yes" she says confidently. I go back to what I was doing while same read on my bed.

Words: 1359

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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