Ghost Rider Meets Son Of Batman

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Me and dakota we're sitting on the couch when my phone rang we looked to see a message

Come meet me at the ship at the Gotham docks bring batman

From talia al ghul

Talia we thought we met her and her father ra,s al ghul 8 years ago we felt the souls of the innocent being killed we we're in Japan ra,s assassins we're killing people after we killed his assassins we met him and talia ra wanted us to join his assassins we said no he understood because he knew that he'd be killing himself if he fought me he did say we would be enemies but me and talia became friends i also don't see her time to time but we do keep in touch but we're still wondering why she wants bruce i don't know guess there's only one way to find out

Callan:come on boy we're going to pay Bruce a visit

Dakota nodded we got on my bike and went to find Bruce

Gotham city drug store

Batman pov

The mad hatter was robbing drugs with his goons

Batman:this ends here hatter

Mad hatter:on the contrary batman this ends here for you get him

I was about to fight his goons when i heard a motercycle engine then something crashed into the window sending the goons flying i saw who it was it was the was ghost rider and hellhound this should be interesting

Callan pov

We saw Bruce he was fighting the mad hatter we looked to see the mad hatter in shock and fear

Mad hatter: w-what are you

I didn't answer i picked him up to look at me

Callan:look into my eyes your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent feel their pain

The mad hatter was dead i looked to see Bruce with a slight shock look on his face

Batman:you didn't have to do that

Callan you take down villains your way Bruce we take them down our way

Batman:you still shouldn't have done that

Callan:whatever by the way talia wants to meet us at her boat at Gotham docks

Batman:talia how do you know talia

I then explained how we know talia and her father and told him we keep in touch time to time he understood

Batman:why does she want us there though

Callan:that i don't know she just told me to get you and bring you to the docks

Batman:alright let's go then

He got in the batmobile while we got on my bike just before we went i looked at him and said one word
Lets ride

Just ignore a little bit of it and imagine slade as batman in the batmobile

We we're at Gotham City Docks we went onto talias boat and saw inside wearing a dress

Talia:callan i was afraid you weren't bringing him

Callan I'd do anything for a friend

Talia:that's what father always admired about you always keeping your promises he always did see you as a son

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