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"Wait baket saken sya!? Pwede naman sa iba ma'am!?" Taehyung complained to the teacher standing in front of the class

"Don't complain about this Taehyung.. it's just a project "

"Yes po kaya sa iba nlng po ako please!"


"What!? Why!?"

"Your and Mr.Jeon's grades are compatible, You two could help each other" the teacher answered

"What!? There is no way he could help me in anyway! All he's good at is using his charms to win" he said disgustingly looking at jungkook's direction

"Then take advantage of that! You might need it.. I'm ending our conversation here Mr.Kim.. class dismiss.." the teacher left before Taehyung could even think of another word to say

"Ughhh" Taehyung didn't want anything to do with the school's favorite..he knew that it's trouble getting involved with anything that connects with him and getting in trouble is the last thing he want in his school records..

"Cheer up love I'm not that bad as project partner baka maging partner mo pa ko sa buhay mo" jungkook winked and walked away followed by his friends

"Ughhh I hate his face!" Hiding his face on a notebook, he can't believe he have to deal with him for the rest of the year for a project..


Tae looked up just to see his best friend taking a seat beside him

Tae ignored the question and let's out a whiny sound

"You always say you hate him with no reason...he couldn't be that bad you know.."

"Wdym he's jeon jungkook"

"Eh bestie bakit nga!? di mo naman shinishare samen baket di mo sya gusto.."

"Idk I just hate him, di ko sya gusto"

Why does he hate him so much? that the school loves him? That he gets more attention from the people around him? That he has a better life? Taehyung ask himself those questions but he couldn't even answer that himself...why do I hate you so much.. he sigh and just looked the other way

"Ang weird mo, di gusto yung isang Tao for no reason...mag ready kana nga para sa next class mo!" ,jimin said standing up and taking the notebook that Taehyung used to hide his face

"Wala na akong gana...knowing that he'll be my partner on a subject makes me lose interest",he said crossing his arms

"Tanga! yung next class mo si Sir mark, I'm sure you don't want to miss a single thing na sasabihin nya today kase mag announced daw sya ng mga clubs na pwede nateng salihan, and I'm sure you want to have points on clubs kase diba nag low yung grades mo sa isa..and nasa top kapa naman.." ,jimin said putting the notebook and pen on tae's bag

"Wait you're right...baka mag low yung rank ko again if bagsak parin yung grade ko.., cge thanks jiminie sa pag talk saken I promise ill make bawi sayo later", tae said standing up and taking his bag

Hindi naman gaano ka low yung bagsak ni tae about dun sa subject.. but he still want to bawi sa next nilang quarter especially because this quarter may clubs na and it could add points sa grades nya..if mag pa-participate sya

"Oo, tayo na baka ma late tayo sayang yung front seats if hindi tayo naka upo dun",jimin chuckled and held tae's arm
walking to their next class

"Mr.Kim ,Mr.Park happy that you'll be participating in class today, akala ko you two will be skipping my class because you're late..take a seat ill start class.."
,Sir Mark greeted then pointed on the last two seats on the front row

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