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Taehyung just got out of his last class being relieved that his teacher didn't ask him anything about his morning.

He didnt really like that teacher,
He thinks she gets in her student's business a lot than just a few times..

But that didn't really ran on his mind long, as somebody spoke right to his ear just after he took a few steps out of the classroom


The person said spooking Taeh making him turn quickly to face the one who spoke

"AH! Who- oh.. Jungkook, Hi" he bended down smiling in relief with a hand on his chest and the other to the other boy's arm

"Hi Taehyung, I hope hindi kita natakot ng masyado haha" : I hope I didn't scare you too much haha" Jungkook said rubbing his neck nervously
"Did your classes went fine?" he added to brush off his guilt

"Yep, it was fine" Taeh said as he stood up,
still with a adorable smile on his face
"How about yours?"

"Okay lang, : It was Okay, ready to go?"

"Uhm, can I see Jimin before we leave? may ibibigay lang ako" : I'm just going to give something"

"Is it the black case that you got?"

"Huh? nasabi ko ba na para sa kanya yun? pano mo alam?" : did i say that it was for him? how did you know?" Taehyung curiously asked as he raise a brow to the male

"It was not your vibe, and I assume it was his when I remembered he had a shirt with the same symbol as the case, earlier"

"Wow you're really observing"

"wag ka magalala, : don't worry, I like observing you the most" Jungkook said leaning forward to Taehyung

"Tanga" : Crazy" The boy said before his hand came in contact with the others face and pushed it away
"Tayo na nga" he added as he walked away exiting the slowly getting crowded hall


"Jimi !" Taeh shouted, getting the attention of Jimin that was talking to some friends

"Oh Taehyungie, sama ka samin sa East? May show daw" : come with us to East? They said there's a show" Jimin asked directly, not noticing JK that's standing behind Taehyung

"Oh? Jungkook asked me earlier to have dinner with him and I already agreed, I really just came to you to give this oh" He replied then brought out the well packaged case that he bought for his best friend

"HUH Taeh!? Mahal to ah! : This is expensive! You shouldn't have!" Jimin said shocked to see the case he's been telling Taehyung for some time that he wants

"Hehe hindi ko binili yan with my own money~"
: Hehe I didn't bought that with my own money~" Taeh said playfully while pointing his thumbs to his back making his best friend look behind him and seeing Jungkook smiling


"Yes....? Don't blame me he offered to buy me anything and you know me! I would never pass out a opportunity to save me some money! So I bought you something! Don't be mad be happy please " Taeh said with slight speed trying to shake off the nervousness

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