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As the car exited the campus—no words had yet left the two boys mouth.. the interaction earlier with Kent got them both in a different mood

"Um... jungkook?"

a call from Taehyung taking Jungkook's mind out of the thoughts that are consuming him and back to reality

"Yes taeh?"

"Ka ano-ano mo si Kent? :What's Kent to you? You two seem tense.. I kinda got scared earlier"

Taehyung said with a worried face, he knew about Kent not being so thrilled about Jungkook but he doesnt know more than that

"Well... si Kent.. i guess he's my rival? He would always fight me ever since elementary, we would fight about everything and I would win most of the fights.. he's still like what he was before"

"Oh.. do you think he's the one spreading the rumors?"

"I know he's the one spreading them."

"Why not call him out?"

"Kent surrounds himself with people that clings on him for popularity, calling him out would be like taking a precious toy from a kid.. I pity him for that"

"Okay.. but why not fight the rumors? If it's not true, you should show the people that it isn't"

"Taeh, saying something is confirming it. If I say that it's not true that'll be me stirring the boiling pot.. I choose to not say anything about it because it's not big enough to affect my image, if it did then that would be bad. I'm the face of our school, a lot of people know me.. If I get affected by those the school will get affected too.."

Taehyung listened carefully.. Jungkook's right, the rumors are weak because Jungkook doesn't risk doing something about it that can make it worse..

"You're right, but don't you wish for it to stop? It's slowly changing the way people thinks of you.. I mean it got me.. some people probably thought like how I did before getting paired with you.. some might try to hurt you"

"Are you... worried about me Taehyung?"

Jungkook's smirk made Taehyung panic out of nowhere, guess being flirty is real about him..

"What!? Nooo?! You're a grown man, you can take care of yourselfff"

He suddenly felt like confessing would be embarrassing and thought to lie but it's not working on Jungkook who chose to kept on teasing the other

"Are you sure? Is Taehyungie not worried about me a little bit??"

Jungkook said pouting with his suddenly cute eyes.. making Taehyung stop to stare at the guy

I never thought he can act cute...

"Ano yan? Baby? pangit mo!": What's that? A Baby? You're ugly!"

Jungkook chuckled with the joke looking back in front of him

"Basta ikaw, payag ako maging baby mo": For you, I'm down to be your baby" Jungkook whispered then looked back at a shocked/disgusted Taehyung

"Ano bayang joke mo!? Tanga kaba? Parang tanga ka" What kind of joke is that!? Are you crazy? You're like crazy"

"Tanga para sayo": Crazy for you" Jungkook said smiling as he turned to see Taehyung who has complete horror in his face

"Kung ganyan ka parati, : If you're like that all the time, I'll think that you flirt with everyone"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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