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Taehyung woke up and had second thoughts about going to school.. he's nervous to go but rosé and jimin made him feel fine and promised to go to him as soon as their classes end or skip with him is something bad happens.. so he decided to go..

"Ready ka na ba taeh?"

"Um yeah tayo na"

"Are you sure you'll be fine di mo ko kasama in all your classes tae.." jimin said with a worried face he knows anything could happen

"Yes minie~ you'll be in most of my classes naman..and you two promise to come to me as soon as your classes end diba so no need to be worried" he then smiled which made both rosé and jimin's heart melt...their friend's smile always makes them feel like everything's alright...

They went to school and they dropped rosé to her class... her class starts early than jimin and tae's class so they didn't mind dropping her off

They entered their classroom and Jimin noticed a girl sitting near the window where both him and Taehyung usually seats just scrolling on her phone

"Oh rubyjane nandyan kana pala" jimin said making the girl stop scrolling on her phone and look up to them

"Omygod Taehyungieee I thought di ka papasok!" Jennie said running to taehyung giving him a tight hug

"Aray-aray Jennie I can't breathe calm down muna pls" taehyung said making the girl stop hugging him and let out a slight laugh

"Tangina jennie nasakal mo si Taehyung oh" jimin said acting like jennie really did

"Tanga! Ikaw sasakalin ko eh!" She said rolling her eyes at her friend

"Talga jennie...gawin mo nga" jimin then let out a laugh earning a smack on the back of his head

"Aray tanginamo jennie kim! Sana goghost ka ng kachat mo!" Jimin said earning another smack from the girl

Taehyung sat on the empty seat and watched as both of his friends smack each others heads... tangina saang basurahan ko nakita mga batang toh..
He said to himself making himself chuckle

"Oy ! Stop na kayu two will get hurt sa away nyo eh.. parang mga bata kayo" taehyung said making his friends stop and stare

"Talga taehyung?.. parang hindi ikaw yung umiyak dahil na dumihan yung damit ah" jimin said making jennie burst into laughter

"Oh my god! Stop! That was along time ago kaya!"

"Tangina na alala ko yan! Parang baby yung iyak! Sabe nya daw di sya pupunta sa class nya na may dumi yung suot nya kaya binilhan nlng sya ng damit ni ligaya" she almost slip out on the chair she's sitting in because of how hard she laughed

"Hmph mga meanie kayo!" Taehyung said making the other laugh harder and jennie started waving her hand which started smacking jimin on the shoulder

They soon stopped laughing when the teacher came in and started the class

Jimin was still answering a test that was given to them and taehyung is already finished with his..

"Huy san ka pupunta" jimin said making taehyung turn around

"Yall are so weird,ill just throw this away no.. why would i go eh nandyan pa kayo " taehyung rolled his eyes and continued walking to the bin out side the classroom..

While he was checking his purse for more garbage to throw away a group of three girls approached him, grabbed his hand and pulled him..

Taehyung being caught off guard this was easy to be done..if he saw the girls walking towards him he would have left right away..

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