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We hop into the car once again and drive. We drive for 40 minutes when we get to Mattia Polbios home.

The house is white, extremely large, and has a black limo outside. The grass there looks as if it had never seen the sun, it was lush and green. The windows were black-out windows and the big,wooden front door had a doorbell.

I rang the doorbell and Vinnie pushed me behind him.

"Vinnie, I'm going to be okay, Mattia won't hurt me" I say, uncertain.

"Too bad Jas-

Vinnie was cut off as the door opened.

A rough man with a gold tooth and long greasy hair opened the door. He smelled like cigarettes and weed. He looked me up and down and Vinnie made sure I was behind him fully.

"Well hello Vinnie" He says an evil smirk on his face.

"Hi Elijah, we need to see Mattia" Vinnie says, monotone.

"Hmm okay, and who is this behind you?

I come forward in the light and introduce myself.

"Hey, I'm Jasmine"

He grabs my hand and shakes it. I'm getting weird ass vibes from him.

He leads us into the house and brings us up the many flight of stairs to the top floor. Vinnie and I look at each other with nerves, Vinnie holds my hand and squeezes. I smile up at him.

"You're safe with me Jas" he whispers.

"I know" I whisper back, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Okay lovebirds, in here " the cigarette smelling man points into a room.

Vinnie leads me inside the room and there he was. Mattia Polibio standing in black trousers and an open button white shirt. He smirks and starts talking.

"Well well well, Vinnie Hacker"

"Hi" Vinnie answers rolling his eyes.

"Why are you her hm? Did you need to give me anything?

"We need to talk"

"Okay follow me to my office"

Vinnie and I start walking when Mattia turns around.

"I didn't even notice you were here, Jas" He smirks widening his eyes at me.

"Don't call her that" Vinnie angrily groans.

"Whats your name then? Actually I'm gonna call you...Blondie" He smiles spitefuly at Vinnie.

"My name is Jasmine, and as well you know it, you knocked me over, almost getting me killed that night "

"Oops that was you? Didn't recognize you" Mattia states sarcastically

"Can we just get on with it? Vinnie sighs impatiently.

"Yes follow me, just you not Blondie"

"She has to come with me"

"Why, you think she isn't safe here? Mattia smirks at me.

"No I fucking don't think its safe for her"

"Temper temper" Mattia laughs. "She's be just fine"

Vinnie looks at me, obviously indecisive of what do do.

"Go, just go Vinnie, I'll be fine" I smile.

"Good girl" Mattia says. "Come on Vinnie"

Vinnie follows him out of the room and into the office. I sit down on the white couch and stare at the ceiling, bored already.

Mattia is such an idiot. Why would he do drugs. Guess I'll have to wait and see..

. *. ⋆I Will Die For You-Vinnie Hacker. *. ⋆Where stories live. Discover now