Chapter 5

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Dreams pov

I slowly wake up in a bed. Ugh, why do I feel so- achy. What did I even do last nigh- But as I remember the last event, I quickly sit up. I look around, noticing that I'm in some very plain bedroom, and there's a window. Getting up, and walking over to it, I see just how far down the ground is from where I stand, realizing I'm in fact on a second floor. Also- in the woods?

I quickly jerk behind me to a sound, the door begins to move, opening.

"Oh, so you're awake?" I stand startled, wide-eyed. "My apologies for bringing you here like that, I really am sorry." British accent? That's interesting.

"So, where am I?"

"You're with a team of scientists that are in need of a guinea pig, test subject, if you will." A frown forms on my face.

"What's going to happen, then? You going to have me try something then let me go home?" I hope for the answer to be yes. He stays quite for a few moments, pacing.

"I'm sorry, but- we can't let you go." My heart drops. "We can't let anyone go once they've seen our secret."

"I haven't even seen anything- I don't know anything yet! You can still let me go and I won't tell a single soul-"

"You're going to know. And you're also going to be loyal with us, a part of it."

"What even is 'it'? What types of experiments are you going to do-"

"Keep your questions until I'm finished, I'll most likely be answering them all anyways." I sit back down in the bed, crisscrossing my legs with a deep breath. "I don't know if you heard, but there's this virus going around. While the spread is very fascinating, it also opened an opportunity. An opportunity to unlock our wish, and that, is where you come in. Your presence here is going to help us see how we can achieve reaching such a low age group. Right now, the damn thing is only truly effecting those of older age, or health problems of any kind. Considering all of that, you'll need to be our main test subject."

"Am I going to die here? Will I ever see my family again? Or even just my dad-" My eyes start slightly tearing up, but I attempt to hold back, showing as much strength that I can muster out. He seems stunned from the question, immediately turning to face away.

"No, you will not." My frowned jaw drops. He starts heading to the doors, opening one while still looking off. "I'll let you think." I hear it lock after a shut.

Laying back on the sheets, I cover my eyes. Is this- really happening? Will I be stuck here- forever? Would there be a single chance of seeing my father again? I throw my fist down. I wish I didn't take everything for granted so much. I always thought about how other kids would do that, whether it was for nature, or what they had. But I never truly thought about who they had.

Obviously I would hang out with my family as much as possible when having the chance, and friends when having any. I still just- never expected that to stop so soon.

I sit up on the bed, holding myself close. The more I think of this new purgatory life, the more my tears begin to finally fall. I haven't cried in years- just the fact of that makes me cry even harder.

This- isn't real- It actually isn't. How am I supposed to believe the life I was just living before- preparing- setting up the future of- is gone in a simple snap of the fingers? If anything, why me of all people. WHY ME??? I only sob harder.

They could've chosen any other 16 year old... But yet, it had to be me.

Many minutes pass, soon being half hours, eventually full ones. I relive back every big memory I had with them. The park- the Fair- games- trains- secrets- fun- I feel like such a fucking baby. But what else could I do then let it all out?

Wait- I wonder where my phone is. I know I had it with me- I check my pockets, but to my suprise, nothing. Dammit. After waiting a bit for my eyes redness to go down, and wipe the tears, I decide to try and get their attention.

"Hey!" I bang on the door, attempting to not seem harsh. "Think I can at least get some entertainment in here? Like uh- my phone?" Foot steps fill the now silent voices, I walk back. Soon noticing the doors beginning to open, which show his face once more.

"Hello, once again." I notice a plate in his arms. "I hope you enjoy steak," he sets the food down on the bedside table. My eyes widen.

"Uh- yeah. Thanks." I sit down, bringing the meal to my lap. "This isn't one of your tests, is it?" He laughs.

"Oh, no, don't worry. We need to be sure you have a nice healthy diet." I try a bite of the potatoes on the side, which are actually really good. "But I saw you asking about a phone, and I still have yours right here." He holds it up. "But, we needed to take precautions, obviously. You have no data or internet, also we disabled any 999- well, 911 calls. Though any CPI calls would still go through, considering it works the same as 911. Only thing about that is you won't be able to say anything back."

He tosses me the device. "If you would ever like to get a game or something, let me know." He takes a breath. "You can refer to me as Mr. DAV, by the way, it's short for my last name." I nod. "You also have your own shower/bathroom, if you didn't see before over there, and you'll be getting more clothes in a few days- Um, think that's it really for now." He claps his hands, most likely rapping up his last thoughts.

"What clothes?" I genuinely ask, curious.

"Just random most common things, such as tshirts, tank tops, hoodies, sweats and such."

"What about your uniforms?" I question, having noticed the similar outfits among everyone that I've seen so far.

"We decided that wouldn't be necessary for test subjects. Only for those that are workers, or guards." He takes a pause, snapping his fingers a second later. "Oh right, we'll be providing breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. We have our own source of food so that's simple. And you have your own water just over that way."

A second of silence passes. "You're testing will begin in a week or two. Need to be sure you're completely healthy and ready. While we also need to prepare as well." He stands up from the chair, heading back to the exit. "Use this button if you need anything, but please don't spam it or use it as a joke. That'd result in us removing the privilege." I nod my head for the final time, and he's gone.

That- this- is all very weird. I mean, on the bright side, I have my own space with a bathroom and free meals, but yet just- everything else. I'm going to need to force myself to see the best in this, or I just might break again.

Dad would want that for me in this situation. Stay together, let it out.

1266 words

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