Jakhob's Awakening Part Nine (Ch 9 & 10 )

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So this is a big chunk of story :) I had things to get done, and you all waited so patiently, and really...I just couldn't stop! So enjoy, and let me know what you think so far :)



Nothing was as it seemed when Jakhob awoke from his rest, the sun high in the sky already. He soaked in the rays, replenishing himself in the way every skyfolk had done in the past, and the feeling that overook him, made the night before seem almost a dream. But it hadn't been. He remembered the words that were spoken, the way their anger had gotten the better of them, and the fact he had told her to leave. He shouldn't have done that. Behn would never forgive him for it if he knew, and frankly neither would Jakhob himself. She was the bloody princess, whether she had wanted to believe it or not, she was the last living heir to the Imerian throne, and Jakhob has forced her away.

It had not been her fault at all. The death of her parents, the switching of her with another, the constant slumbers, the lies. It had all been because of him, and not, as his female had tried to convince him , time and again. He had been taken from her, held against his will for weeks, and then released. They had not expected what would happen next, no one would ever have suspected that one of the advisors to the throne would do as he had. None had questioned his moves around the halls, his countless trips to the Sanctuary, the distant glare in his eyes...

"You worry yourself so..." The voice came out of nowhere, though that was the way of her kind, like a whisper on the wind.

"Kiva!...You have returned..." He called out to her, though he was not surprised. With formalities out of the way, this particular female would be searching for a consort of a different sort.

"How could I not?" She laughed, "Knowing you were so close and not come to see you...That would be rude among other things!" She had added, moving closer to him, her body moving in a seductively charming way.

""Then you honor me with your presence!" He replied, standing to his feet so that he may bow his head before her. "And may I ask of the young?"

"Koryn was returned unto her sire... what happens now is for him to decide though she will not have to face the elders!" The female replied, shifting to block the sunlight from his eyes.

It illuminated through the soft fur that covered her body, making her glow like the sun itself as it shone of the flakes of snow and ice within it. She was magnificent, a true beauty amongst her kind, but she was wise most of all, saught after in crisis, and longed for by many a male. He knew why she was here, why she had returned, and he knew that even under the most dire of circumstances, no matter how badly the need for it was, she would not ask him. He would have to offer, as he had so many times before.

"I am please with the outcome!" Jakhob replied, knowing his words meant something amongst his people, and that because of them, she would be spared and most harsh penalty. The invasion of one's mind, was a violation of their most sacred rights, and though young as Koryn was, she would have been beaten for her mistake had she been brought before the elders. With all that was going on already, with the pain and suffering all around him, he could not bare to add the young's punishment to the pile. "She is to be set free then...providing her sire should see fit?"

"He is an honest male!...And sadly has recently lost his mate...So I see not why he would see fit to disregard a daughter of such worth!... He will most likely release her unto the world as she once was... If she promises never to repeat her mistakes."

Dream Journal: The Chronicles. Vol. 3- Jakhob's Awakening.Where stories live. Discover now