A child [1]

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On one oh so normal day at the Sakamaki manor a little pitter patter of light footsteps could be heard running up to the front entrance, Two knocks could be heard but there was no answer.

"Hum maybe daddy's aren't home Lammy. mommy said they live here. Well we'll just have to wait out here for them to come back" the little boy ,not even tall enough to properly reach the handle, turned around and went to sit on the steps leading up to the front door, that's when the rain started.

"Oh no Lammy your going to get all wet" panicked the little boy took off his little jacket and placed it over his adorable stuffed toy keeping it dry whilst the rain started to drip on the poor little boys head.

It had been about an hour that they had been waiting, boy had managed to shuffle himself and Lammy against the door managing to miss most of the rain until the doors opened making to boy fall back a bit. Quickly the boy sat up and turned to find six pairs of eyes on him.

"h-h-he-llo" the little boy managed to squeak out,

After a few moment silence one spoke out,
"Why are you sat outside our house?"the tall bespectacled male asked looking down at the boy intrigued and slightly annoyed at the situation making them going to be late.

"Oh-h" the little boy scrambled to his feet causing him to drop Lammy, and bowed quickly before speaking,

"My m-m-mommy t-t-told me t-that m-my daddy's lived h-h-here" he spoke shaking from how scared he was.

The six males looked at the small boy confused and shocked.
"Why don't you come inside"the same male spoke stepping aside so the little boy could walk in but before he went inside he grabbed his little backpack which has a few of his things inside and his jacket covered Lammy.
"Follow me"the tall male spoke.
The little boy followed looking down to the floor aware of the eyes following his small form.

"Sit down and tell us how you came upon this house" the male spoke as the boy quickly sat on the couch to find the other males already there.

"M-mommy d-d-drove me here and t-told me that I-I-I'm going to be living h-here from n-now on-n"the small bean stuttered explaining what he can remember
"I k-knocked but nobody a-answered" he finished finally having the courage to look up at the other males in front of him.

"I told you I thought I heard the door"one of them said,

"I take it we're not going to school then" the blonde male stated with his eyes closed.
"No"the bespectacled male answered.
"Why weren't you wearing your coat tiny-kun?" the perverted, auburn, hat wearing male asked the little boy.

"Oh I d-didn't wan-n't Lammy to get wet" the boy explained uncovering Lammy from his jacket.
"Hmm Teddy it looks like we could have a new friend" the shorter lilac haired male spoke to his bear known as teddy.

"We must get to the bottom of this before we go any further"the raven haired make spoke again.
"Mmmm what's your mommy's name tiny-kun" the auburn male asked the young boy giving him his charming smirk.
"Mommy" the boy obliviously answered "s-she also g-gave me this" the little boy said rummaging through his bag to grab a letter.
Holding it out the raven haired male took it reading the contents whilst the other men looked at him trunk to read his facial expressions.
The reading males eyes widened looking up quickly at the small boy sat in front of him, then he furrowed his eyebrows looking angry as he finished the letter.

"Well?"the red head asked.

"Sigh- A few years ago we seem to have impregnated one of the brides who managed to escape,
This is our son",
he spoke simply and to the point now looking at the young boy who he could clearly see shone resemblance to them.

"You looked rather angry at that tho Reiji" the auburn male taunted whilst the others were still in shock of the previous news.

"That wasn't what I was angry about" the now named Reiji spoke.
That caught most of the other males attention as the auburn haired male trotted over to find what made his brother so angry.

Narrowing his eyes he read,


The auburn male was very annoyed and slightly confused at the ending of the letter, when the boy said mommy he sounded so happy like there was no issue but even though he had only just found out that he and his brothers had a son he has already grown a connection with the frail boy in front of him wanting to protect him.

Changing the atmosphere he asked the small boy,
"What's your name tiny-kun?"
Smiling the boy replied kicking his legs slightly feeling more confident,


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