Daycare [13]

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Non of the brothers really wanted Haruki to have to go to daycare but they had really no choice, keeping him at the manor wasn't something they wanted to do and they couldn't keep bringing him to their school it would falter their grades too much and bore the small boy with also putting him in danger from the other creatures of which inhabit the school.
They had all decided his younger school years they would home school him then when he gets older they would then give him the option to either keep being home schooled by them or join them at Ryoutei high school but they all preferred the first.

"Little prince you need to wake up" Shu said to the sleeping boy in clutch slightly shaking him as to wake him.
"Mmm no" was all that came out of Haruki's mouth before snuggling himself Mr penguin and Lammy straight into Shu's chest.
"I wish we could sleep all day but Reiji will get mad and I can't be bothered to deal with all that so we better get up Mr" was Shu's last attempt to wake the small boy through words.
With still no movement from the boy Shu ended up picking the small boy and his abundance of stuffed toys rocking him forcing a rise out of the small bean.
"Mmm otochan?"

"Finally, your a deep sleeper bud" Shu mumbled out still rocking the boy gently holding onto him tighter.
"It's early" whined Haruki still snuggled into Shu's rocking arms.

"I know little prince I don't want to get up either but we have to" Shu said more clear, "I've been told to get you dressed and to eat breakfast before you get to daycare".

"No I don't want to go there i wanna stay with you" haruki said still whining now looking up at his otochan.

"Me too Haru, me too" Shu agreed snuggling more into his son.

"Then why can't I?" Haruki backfired trying to catch Shu out

"Because we can't look after you properly, now let's get you dressed in one of your cute little outfits" Shu said stopping Haruki from continuing this little debate knowing that at some point he would give in and not get him ready.

Standing up Shu then carried Haruki walking over to the closet to pick out an outfit for his fist day of daycare.

After picking Haruki's outfit Shu knew deep down that the little boy wouldn't be able to change his clothes by himself at his sleepy state

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After picking Haruki's outfit Shu knew deep down that the little boy wouldn't be able to change his clothes by himself at his sleepy state.

Placing Haruki on the floor he takes Mr penguin and Lammy from Haruki's little grasp putting them both on his bed with the child watching with half open eyes making sure the two were safe.

"Now let's get you dressed before you fall back asleep"
With saying that he undressed and dressed him in his little outfit which Shu thought was absolutely adorable,
"Now let's get you fed" was said before picking up both of Haruki's prized stuffed toys.

With the two clutched together Shu teleported the two to the kitchen where some maids where cooking all sorts.

"How can we help you Shu-sama?" one of the maids asked bowing.
"This one needs breakfast within the next 10 minutes so make some pancakes quick" Shu demanded half awake,
He then pushed the little boy with him out to the dining room to wait.
"Stay here whilst I get dressed" was all he said before vanishing into thin air.

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