My time [15]

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A few weeks later,

"Haruki wake up"a voice called pulling him out of his adventure filled slumber.
"Come on now" a shake was given to boys form.
Opening his eyes he could see his baba waking him up stood he to his bed.

"Good Morning baba" he said in an extremely tired voice.

"Do you want to help me in the garden?" Subaru asked wanting to spend time with his child and we'll since it was a weekend neither of them were busy.
"Really" haruki said going to sit up slightly more awake.
"Yeah,now then let's get you dressed"

"Yeah,now then let's get you dressed"

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Haruki you could see loved his little outfit twirling around in front of his baba.
"Do I look nice" Haruki asked wanting a compliment from one of his fathers.
"You look adorable little flower"he said lightly patting his head.

Subaru had changed most with the arrival of Haruki with him becoming a lot more comfortable with people especially with Haruki and showing a lot more emotion to his young son, a big change for him.

Holding the boys hand they both walked out his room through the corridors.
"You sure you don't want to bring Lammy?" Subaru asked looking down to the stuffed toy-less boy.
"No they needed more sleep and I don't want to get them all dirty" was his response smiling up to his father. "Can we have cookies after we finish?" Haruki sweetly asked,
Unable to say no to the now extremely spoiled 4 year old.
"After we are done then yes but don't tell anyone especially Reiji or else I might get in trouble" Subaru said seriously stood still talking to Haruki.
"Ok baba"

When the two had reached outside Haruki ran to the storage shed with was always unlocked and got a very large watering can compared to his tiny form.
He ran past Subaru who was heading his way to the hose to get water, "slow down flower" he called to the boy turning the tap on.

After the watering can was filled Haruki 'attempted' to pick it up which wasn't very successful. Next thing the little one knows he's on the floor with water pouring out from the can all over the tiled floor narrowly missing him.
"Now this is why I told you to slow down, you can't carry a full can your arms are too weak" Subaru said picking his son up along with the now empty watering can now refilling it to half way a much better  and easier weight for him to carry.

"Now let's go water these first"

A few hours had gone by with the two in the garden watering and tending to the plants with big smiles on both their faces and no interruption from the others, well that was until now.

"Haruki"Reiji called out getting the boys attention away from the plant he was picking dead leaves from.

"Dada" he called running up to and hugging his legs.
"Haruki your filthy" Reiji said bluntly although he was caring more about his sons state rather than his now mucky pants.
"I know we fixed the plants" he said brightly looking up to his dada still hugging his legs.
With a final sigh Reiji spoke "let's get you cleaned up then we can read together ,alright?"he said/asked patting Haruki's fluffy light blonde locks.
"Oh yes,yes,yes please" Haruki said happiness filling his eyes.
The boy absolutely loved reading books with his dada and it was easy to see that, he absolutely loved reading books together with his fathers all of them or just one of them which naturally made him love Reiji as they always went to read together.

Pulling the little boy into the house Reiji immediately took his dirty shoes off and teleported the two to a large bathroom.
"Let's get you out of these dirty clothes" he said emotionlessly removing his sons clothes after turning the bath taps on.

With the bath now full and not too hot for his sensitive skin, Reiji stared cleaning the little boy washing him lightly with apple body wash (of his choosing) with his hair spiralled round full of shampoo.
"Close your eyes now" was the simple instruction as he then proceeded to pour water to wash out the shampoo placing a hand on his forehead to block water from getting into his child's eyes.
After getting all the shampoo out he decided to re-apply the body wash to make sure all the germs were gone from his body.
"All done now let's get you dried off" that caused the little boy to stand up waiting for his dada to come back to pick the little boy up wrapped in a towel.
After drying the boy off Reiji re-dressed him into another outfit as it was only late day but as they weren't going out so he opted for a more casual/comfy outfit.

After drying the boy off Reiji re-dressed him into another outfit as it was only late day but as they weren't going out so he opted for a more casual/comfy outfit

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"Now let's get to the library"

Once the two had got to the library Haruki ran and jumped into the large armchair that they always sat in giggling at how tiny he felt whilst watching his dada skim through book titles trying to find one.

"You might like this, I did when I was a child maybe a few years older than you"Reiji said walking looking at the cover towards the child.

Haruki's pov

After he picked me up the then placed me on his lap wrapping his arms round me showing me the pages slightly so we could read it together. I could read slightly better now that a few weeks ago, but I would still struggle quite a bit of the time but dada helped me a lot.

We then started reading "Animal farm" dada said it was about rebelling animals. Whist we were reading I did ask what some of the words meant and he told me then going back to reading.
'I understand why he liked this book, it's really good'

No pov

After about an hour and a half the book was almost finished and the boy was cuddling into his father who carried on reading even after the little boy stopped opting to listen after they had both read the majority together and he just wanted cuddles after his long day.

When the book had ended Reiji had just started to pat/stroke his sons head/hair both of them relaxing in the silence enjoying each others company.

"Dada will you love me forever?" Haruki asked talking in the chest of his father.

"Of course I will, why do you ask?" Reiji questioned shocked at his sons question.

"Umm my papas and daddy um haven't been playing with me much anymore" he said sadly.

Reiji knew this was to do with them harassing the woman whom Haruki had grown close to, but he wasn't shocked with what his son said as he himself had noticed the drift between those three towards him.

"It'll be ok and if it's not you'll have me, always"Reiji said trying to reassure him without lying.

"I'll always love you"

"Love you too dada"

24 December 2021
1197 words

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