Chapter 2 - The meeting of a new ally

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Two days later I had finally fixed Master Fisto's starfighter and replaced C-3PO's wires, along with replacing his outer coverings with new golden ones. Since he was to become Senator Amidala's new personal droid I thought that the gold was fitting for a former Queen. It was currently early morning as I was making my way along the high roofed corridors in the Jedi temple towards the hangar. The sun was starting its journey across the sky and through the tall glass windows you could see the beautiful skyline as the planet also woke. I smiled warmly as it gave me a sense of peace and serenity once again. Although it was risky I let myself relax ever so slightly as I had come to a halt in front of one of the windows. I let out a content sigh and thought back on the earliest memories I had as a child. It was when I used to get up early in the morning, go to a flower field where I would pick the prettiest flowers and then make a flower crown for me and my father. Suddenly I tensed up and opened my eyes again as I heard someone, most likely a Jedi or padawan, approaching from further down the hall. I turned my head and saw Master Mace Windu and Master Yoda in deep conversation approaching. I got the feeling it was a serious conversation and decided to not interrupt with a hello or good morning as I didn't want to disturb them. Turning down the hall to continue my morning walk to the hangar I was stopped when Master Windu called out my name. Must be another starfighter repair. I thought to myself as I turned, once again.

"Good morning Master Windu and Master Yoda."

I smiled and bowed my head to them.

"A good morning, it is not. Trouble I sense."

Replied Yoda as he was slightly shaking his head.

"What's going on? Is everything alright?"

I inquired since a worried Master Yoda is never a good sign.

"We're not entirely sure, there's been a turn of events and all the Jedi are making ready for deployment as we speak."

Master Windu had a grave expression (more grave than usual) and what he said did not sit right with me. Why would all of the Jedi be deploying? Questions started to swarm my head as I stood there clueless.

"Master Kenobi found a factory on Geonosis that's building a droid army. This is being supervised by Count Dooku and we suspect an attack on the Republic with this army. That's why all the Jedi are deploying. We are to travel to Geonosis to stop the army and to also free Master Kenobi who got caught spying on the factory."

It was a lot to take in but so far I was able to keep up with Master Windu as he explained what was going on.

"I assume then that this has something to do with me since you're telling me all of this..?"

I carefully questioned the two Jedi. Normally since I was a mere mechanic I would never be let in on the Jedi's business or missions unless it directly involved me.

"In a way, involved you are."

"Alright, what do you need me to do?"

I crossed my arms and stood more upright as I awaited my instructions from Master Yoda.

"Travel with me you will, to Kamino. There further assistance we will find."

"Kamino? Alright, I assume we will depart soon then?"

"Yes, that we will. Meet you in the hangar I will."

Finished with his instructions for me I bowed to the two Jedi and with a fast pace made my way to the hangar. As I was making my way down the hall I could feel Master Windu's eyes burning holes in my back. I knew why he was staring after me but I just hoped he would let it slip by as I had been distracted by all of the information given to me.Without having to put effort into it my body started tensing up and I felt a small rush of adrenaline as if I was going into a fight. I entered the hangar and went to my equipment locker located in my office. I was the only one with an office in the hangar because I was chief mechanic, especially assigned to the Jedi (much thanks to Master Plo). There I clipped on the two hip holsters for my dual DC-17 blasters on to my equipment belt. I also had two straps connected to the holsters that went around my thighs to stop them from hitting my legs every time I ran with them on. I didn't bother with a cape or vest seeing as Geonosis was a hot sand planet. I was already wearing dark green cargo pants along with a black long sleeve shirt so if anything it might be a tad bit hot. I left my equipment belt on since I might need some tools if repairs are needed. I mean, I am, after all, chief mechanic. It's my job. I stepped out again into the main hangar right as Master Yoda entered and we got into a simple two person fighter and made our way to Kamino.

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