Chapter 31 - Revelations

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Mando'a used in the chapter:

"Bal'gar sa'cui." = "But you like it."

"Elek." = "Yes."

"Ner shereshoy" = "My lust for life", a sincere way of saying "My love"

"Udesii." = "Relax."

Coruscant. The centre of the Republic. Grid coordinates, 0-0-0. Said to be the planet where the humanoid sprung from before it was covered in metal alloy and skyscrapers that wanted to feel the clouds wisk by. Complete in metal and glittering artificial lights, it still had its charm. Especially when the sun went down and a weil of dark blue covered the sky, speeders of all kinds slowing just a little. But as many off-worlders said, it's a planet that never stops running. I remember before the war, when I was working a late afternoon in the Jedi temple's hangar on Master Fisto's Interceptor. How I had a moment of peace, enjoying the last of the sun's beams caressing my skin before travelling on. The memory made me smile and gave me a sense of calm. I cherish those moments immensely. Now almost a year and a half has passed since I last saw the planet. It was... odd. I thought that I would be more excited to be back. But so much had changed since then and now the 501st was my home. Ahsoka, who enjoyed the view from the observation deck with me, nudged my arm lightly. Glancing down at her, well not as much down anymore since the little bugger had grown taller, she was nursing a smile on her lips.

"Feels good to be home, right?"

I sighed and looked back out the window. Thinking about it I clamped my jaw down and shrugged,

"Never really was home for me. Just a place to stay."

Clearly it wasn't the answer she had expected from me as her mouth froze slightly open. I chuckled at her and laid my hand on her shoulder,

"Don't overthink it, Ka'ra."

She still gave me a look and I avoided to meet it, because I saw in the corner of my eye how it was filled with pity.

"You know, I heard that Master Plo should be on leave as well. How about you and I go find him in the temple first thing when we dock?"

Her eyes switched and lit up as she turned to me fully,

"Really?! I thought he would be stuck in the siege on D'Qar?"

Turning as well to her I smiled,

"Well, he and Commander Wolffe got help from the locals and could outsmart the tin cans."

"Master Plo always was very wise. But we could just comm him and ask him to meet us in the gardens."

A frown tugged on my lips before I had a brilliant idea,

"Or... how about we make it a bit more fun?"

Ahsoka squinted her eyes at me in suspicion as I used my dealing voice instead of my normal relaxed one. She crossed her arms over her chest, acting the part of someone haggling the price of a cape with a street vendor,

"And exactly what do you mean, (Y/N)?"

I beckoned her closer so I could whisper in her ear so Anakin wouldn't hear,

"I'll race you. First one to find Master Plo wins, and the loser has to pay the other... let's say 20 credits."

She pulled back a bit, eyebrows raised in shock as she whisper-yelled,

"20 credits?!"

I went to try and reason with her when she changed her expression to a challenging one,

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