Stockholm Syndrome {Russia}

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Stockholm Syndrome

(Russia x Reader)

The snow was unrelenting as it attempted to bury you underfoot, clinging inside your boots and sticking to your (H/L)(H/C). The trees looming above provided no fortification from the blizzard, instead making the scenery even darker. Maybe if you weren't struggling to make it through this forest you would've admired the way the snow clung to the darkened and bare branches, the stark contrast between the pristine white and the dark wood. But fighting to survive and outlast hypothermia did not really give you enough time to do so.

How did you end up like this? Well you should know since this is  you. But the cold really had done a number on you, and it was a fight just to lift your stiff legs out of the foot of snow so you could progress further.

I guess it started when war was declared on you, the country of (C/N). Being the weak country you were, you did your best to fight back, but there was no good in fighting off the invading forces. Before the blizzard even started, you were chased off into these woods, hounds nipping at your heels as you tried to evade capture and the inevitable torture. You could feel your core withering away slowly and you knew your country was probably alight in flame or overrun by anarchy. You didn't even know why you tried to move on, why you tried to get out of this endless woods to wherever it may be. Soon enough you wouldn't be a country, just another part of a bigger empire. Maybe you'd live in their house for a while, be their prisoner, but your almost immortal life would be wasted rotting away in a cell or... worse. Shuddering from a mix of the cold and the volatile thoughts, your legs finally gave out and you stumbled face-first into the powdery snow which enveloped you completely.

The cold seeped into your very bones and the chill numbed your senses, inviting you to close your eyes. If they were just closed, it would all be over. No more running, no more fighting, no more pain. All you had to do was close... your... eyes...


a sweet smell tickled your nose, inviting you to open your eyes. You stirred slightly before you paused. You were... warm. The feeling felt foreign to you, after being out in the cold for so long. The comforting feeling persuaded you to sleep longer, but you pushed away its calls for rest. You needed to find out what happened and what that smell was.

Slowly, your (E/C) orbs fluttered open and gazed around the room. It was pure white and you vaguely wondered if you were in Heaven. Maybe that explained the sweet scent and enveloping warmth. But after trailing your eyes along the wall, they stopped on a wooden door. So maybe you weren't dead yet.

Begrudgingly, you pushed off the quilt that was laid on top of you and your bare feet touched the cold wooden floors, causing a gasp to escape your mouth and you almost fled back to the warmth of the bed. But looking down at your body only caused your suspicion and curiosity to grow. You had changed from your tattered military uniform to a (Fav color) nightgown. A blush threatened to shine on your face but you shoved it down as you wondered who could've changed you. Slightly perturbed, you shuffled towards the door and twisted the doorknob. Your eyes widened as you realized it was locked.

"What the hell?" you whispered to yourself, jiggling the doorknob. Panic built up in your chest as you realized you had to have been captured by the enemy. Were you going to be locked up in here forever? You forced yourself to calm down. Someone would show up eventually, they wouldn't save you from freezing to death just to let you rot away in a day or two.

So you crawled back into bed and waited. After a while you drifted off into a light sleep, before the door creaking open caused you to sit upright, followed by a series of odd laughs.Your mouth twisted downwards as you faced the man that seemed to tower over you, his tall figure reaching up towards the ceiling.

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