La Tomatina {Romano}

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La Tomatina

(Romano x Reader)


The town was silent as you wandered through the cobblestone streets, noting the absence of life. An exchange student from (C/N), you were searching through the town for your host brother, Antonio. He had said he wanted to introduce you to some friends, but he had disappeared once you turned onto the Main Street. The weather was cooling down, since it was the last week of August and autumn was falling upon the country of Spain. It was early in the morning, the sun was just peaking over the horizon as your feet moved across the dusty ground, kicking up particles of dirt. Antonio had forced you out of bed before the sun had even risen, claiming that the two of you would “miss it”. Whatever ‘it’ was.

“Antonio? A donde eres tu?[1]” You called out, praying for a response. When none came, you sighed in frustration. You had only been here a day, of course you had no clue where your home was so there was no way you could return back home.

“Aqui señorita![2]” a voice called from behind a corner. You tilted your head in the direction of the heavily accented voice, immediately recognizing it as your host brother’s. You shifted your body so it was facing the way of the voice, moving behind the corner of the store to find the man himself there, a bright smile lighting up his tanned face.

“Why’re you here?” You questioned quietly, glancing around. That’s when you noticed two things. One, there was another boy beside Antonio and two; both of their hands were filled with tomatoes.

“Oi, (Y/N)! I want to introduce you to mi amigo, Lovino!” Antonio said cheerily, causing the other boy to roll his eyes. You took the moment to examine the boy beside him. Although the shadow of the nearby building’s masked part of his body, you could clearly distinguish his annoyed light brown eyes, the downwards tilt of his lips and the messy brunette hair with the addition of an odd curl protruding from the side of his head. You smiled at the boy, who had now brought a red tomato to his face and was taking a bite.

“Hi! I’m (Y/N)!” You say. Even though he didn’t look sociable didn’t mean you couldn’t be friendly. He glanced up at you and a slight blush covered his cheeks, but he covered it by moving the tomato up to his face again.

“Ciao Signora, I’m Lovino, like the jerk bastard said” He says and you raise an eyebrow, a bit confused by his sentence. He seemed amicable enough to you, a little shy maybe, but the way he talked about Antonio made it sound like he didn’t enjoy his company. Wow, split personality much?

You nodded, turning your attention back to Antonio, who was watching Lovino with an odd look. He turned his joyful green eyes back to you as you talked, “What’s with the tomatoes?” You ask, pointing at the stash buried in his muscled arms. He smirks and hands one to you. Curiously, you take the soft fruit in your hand, feeling the dewy surface underneath your fingertips.

“Ragazza, didn’t you know its Tomatina?” Lovino says with a look questioning your intelligence. You roll your eyes.

“No, seeing as it’s my first time in Spain” you retort.

Lovino snorts but doesn’t say anything, but his face still has a red tint to it. You turn to Antonio for an explanation, and he smiles brightly at you.

“It’s a celebration Buñol hosts the last Wednesday of every August. At 10 there’s supposed to be a ceremony and then at 11 we throw tomatoes!” Antonio explained, giving the abridged version. You nod, still slightly confused.

“And the point of this?” You ask.

“Es muy divertido![3] Oh and it helps clean the streets because of tomatoes’ acidity!” Antonio explained happily. You nod, frowning slightly. The whole concept didn’t exactly appeal to you, especially since you were wearing a white shirt and jean shorts, meaning any tomato touching you would ruin your outfit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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