May I Take Your Order? {Spain}

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May I Take Your Order?

(Spain x Reader)

The sound of your shoes touching the stone sidewalk was the one of the only noises to reach your ears. Rain pounded alongside the your rhythmic walking, a harmonious song that never ended. The rain had soaked your (H/C), matting it down on your head. You didn't expect it to rain today and therefore didn't pack an umbrella. You hurried along, the rain seeping through your (F/C) jacket to your exposed skin below, chilling you. Your eyes scanned the shops, hoping to find somewhere that could be a reprieve from the unrelenting watery droplets. Your (E/C) orbs lit up as they landed on a sign.

Antonio's Cafe.

It was a small hole-in-the-wall shop, but you figured they'd allow you to stay until the rain let up, as long as you ordered something. True, you were visiting Spain and had spent most of your money the day before on souvenirs, but maybe they had something cheap with the currency you had left.

You pulled open the door and entered the warm cafe, sighing in contect as rain dripped of your (H) frame and pooled at your feet onto the wooden floors below. You took notice of the cafe, noticing the small tables and general cozy feel. Suddenly a man was in front of you, waving his hands with a jubilant smile igniting his face. You jumped back a bit in shock, gasping slightly at the sudden appearance of the male.

"Oi! You must be a customer, si?" He asked with a thick Hispanic accent and you hesitantly nodded. He seemed to be a waiter, albeit a very cheery one. He was wearing a yellow apron on top of his normal clothes and his green eyes shone joyfully, a cheesy smile complementing his tanned skin as shaggy mahogony hair fell on his face. You had to admit, he was handsome, if only slightly outgoing.

"Uh, yeah" You said before smiling slightly.

"Oh great It's been so long since I've had a chica visit! Aqui, aqui, have a seat!" He cheered, leading you over to a booth and pulling out a menu from who-knows-where and placing in front of your wide eyes. You glance up at him, seeing his close-eyed, cheesy smile. It seemed to be infectious seeing as your own face ignited in a pleasing smile.

"Please, take your time ordering!" He said and you nodded.

"Thanks," You said before scanning over the menu, looking at all the options. You could feel the Spaniard's eyes on you and you glanced up, eyes widening when you noticed his proximity. He was literally leaning over you! 

"Uh..." You said, slightly dumbfounded.

The Spaniard blinked and pulled away, finally realizing how weird he must've looked. He laughed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry, it's been such a long while since I've seen such a bonita chica! Can I get you anything to drink, senorita?" He asks nervously, that same smile never wavering.

"Uh yeah... I'll just have some coffee. I don't think I'll be having any food" You say. He nods rapidly, taking the menu out from under you and skipping off.

Such an odd man You think to yourself, smiling slightly. His upbeat attitude was a welcoming change from the depressing rain outside which still fell down in its wreckless assault. Luckily the cafe was heated and it was doing its job of warming you up, drying you off in the process.

It took all but two minutes of blissful waiting before the Spaniard returned, a cup of coffee resting under your nose. You jumped slightly at the sudden appearance of the liquid, and your eyes flitted upwards to meet the forever cheery face of your waiter. 

"Lo siento chica, but I haven't had a customer in so long, it seems I only have my own instant coffee!" He says, his face tinted red in embarrassment.

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