Part Three

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Sober Saffron would be freaked out of her mind. Panicking, frantic and breathless; but inebriated Saffron is calm, scarily calm.

What the hell is wrong with me?

A part of me is thankful for the unhealthy amount of alcohol coursing through my veins and ruining my judgement, any other way I would have flipped out.

"Cyrus?" I reach up and run my hand shading his cheek, making sure I'm not just oddly imagining him being here.

I'm met with a lazy smirk and the corner of his lips pulls into a smug grin. "Ms White, small world."

Oh he's fucked up.

His words slur terribly together and his kids barely raise up half way. All emotion is drained from his face making this sight seem more daunting than it should. Even through my drunken haze I'm able to see my something isn't right with him.

Moments ago he seemed to be in a playful mood but his face has transitioned into one of stone and is unmoving.

"Far too small." I begin to take steps back only for him to take the respective amount forward. "Please don't." I places firm hand on his chest and I instantly regret the action. He's more toned than his close let on and it has my mind wondering what the sight beneath truly looks like. It's as if my plea goes in one ear and out the other with him.

"Why are you here?" Still no emotion is present on his face and it's beginning to worry me. How can one be so emotionless? He holds one hand up and turns around to look at the place.

"It's mine, you like it?" A wave of shock envelops me but I can't even be surprised. Rich bastard. My mind begins to reel as realization hits me.

"You out me on the VIP list?" Just the other day we were at odds and even though he apologized, I believed it was forced.

"A truce." A truce? A truce. This is his way of saying sorry.. again?

"But you apologized already." I've sobered up within this short conversation and I begin itching to leave his gaze. Something about this situation is unsettling to me and I want nothing more than to rid of the root, which is Cyrus."

"Apologies are nothing with action."


I stare into his dark orbs his gaze doesn't meet his eyes and I worriedly begin searching around for the friend I came with. "I have to go." I turn without another word and damn near run away from his presence.

I rush to the bathrooms in hopes of finding some sort of privacy and not to be stuck around so many bodies. Cool air envelops me instantly as I stalk into the luxurious powder room that smells of sweet lemons.

"What the fuck happened back there?" I stare at Mel's reflection in the mirror and her face is just as bewildered as mine.

"Girl I don't know but it felt fucking weird."

"Yeah no shit, the way he was staring your ass down was half creepy but then low key a turn on." I slap her arm and she pretends to be wounded.

"Cyrus put my name on the VIP list as an apology." She echos 'apology ' and I'm only now reminded that I didn't tell her he apologized for how he acted.

"Well shit it's the least the asshole can do for acting like such a dick, but how did he do that?"

"He owns the place." Her mouth falls and a lightbulb goes off in her head. "Well that makes a load of fucking sense."

"But it still doesn't explain the way y'all both looked on that dance floor." My face heats up as I replay the scene. I can't deny and say I didn't nearly melt while in his grasp but then again I had no clue it was Cyrus.

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