Chapter 1

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(I do not own the images to these stories!)
She laid in her bed perspiring in her restless sleep. The sheets clung to her sweat drenched body, as she writhed in her sleep throughout the night. The air conditioning had gone out in the middle of the night, so fixing it would have to wait until morning. But it wasn't the sultry night that was causing her body temperature to rise, it was her sultry dream.

She knew that she was asleep, and that she was dreaming. Yet the erotic encounter inside of her unconscious mind felt so real. A rock-hard body, covered in fur, pressed against the back of her naked flesh. His hot breath was upon her neck, as he purred in her ear. "Soon Amanda, you will be mine."

Amanda moaned, as his sharp claws gently grasped her grateful breast. For he was not completely human, but a hybrid of man and beast. His body was that of a black panther, but he had the strong physique of a Greek god. Her body began to quiver, but was it from fear or from titillation?

His cat like tongue made its way down her body, as it bathed her in pure ecstasy. A burning fire ignited within her sexual core, as he began licking the entrance to her sacred opening. Being a furry was not something Amanda had ever identified with, and normally the thought of such an encounter would have horrified her. And yet she wanted more.

To her disappointment, that is when the alarm clock decided to go off. Why do alarm clocks always have to go off right at the best part of an amazing dream? Amanda reluctantly got out of bed and made her way over to the mirror on her dresser drawers. As she stared at the sleepy-eyed girl looking back at her, she couldn't get over her dream.

What was wrong with her? Did anyone else have weird desires like her about being dominated by a strong masculine being, or was she the only one? Many times, she felt as though she was not normal and that if people knew the truth about her deepest desires—they would think that she was a sick pervert.

But then again, maybe she couldn't help it. Perhaps going to an all-girl's private school, her whole life, had something to do with it. Maybe she was just repressed. Besides, in reality the kind of man she fantasized about having in her bedroom, was not the kind of man she wanted in real life.

Amanda climbed into the hot shower as she let the water engulf her body. She sighed, as it was the first day of school. Going back on the first day after summer vacation, is always difficult. But at least it was her Senior year. Not only that, but her eighteenth birthday was coming up next month. This was sure to be an exciting year for her.

While she washed her body, her mind returned to the dream. Though she was a virgin, she had learned to pleasure herself. As she moved her hand down between her thighs, she used slow yet gentle strokes to wash the opening to her core. As she did so, she thought about how the cat like creature washed her down below.

With each stroke, she started to moan as her core began igniting in a blaze of sexual pleasure. Amanda began to quiver, as her body erupted in complete and utter rapture. However, she hadn't realized how loud she was being until her mother started banging on the bathroom door. "Amanda! Are you alright in there? You sound like you're in trouble!"

Oh my god, how embarrassing! Amanda realized, as her eyes shot open. Immediately, she shut off the water. "I'm fine mom!"

"Are you sure?" her mom asked. "I heard you moaning awfully loud in there! Are you sick?"

"I'm fine, I'm just—I'm fine!" Amanda replied, in frustration.

"Okay!" Her mom called. "It sounded like you were—!" Her mother had gone completely silent, as it took her mom a while to continue speaking. "—you know what? Never mind!"

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