Chapter 14

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(I do not own the images to these pictures,)

Amanda continued to cry as she drove home. What was wrong with her? It had all been a dream. And yet, it was as if deep down she knew that it wasn't. But even if it had been real, wasn't that what she secretly desired? Not when the object of your desire is an authority figure who can use that to his advantage.

Her mother had warned her. There was definitely a difference between your fantasy life, and your reality. It's one thing to fantasize about a handsome older man dominating you, it's another thing to have it actually happen. But then again, it didn't really happen. It had all been a dream. Hadn't it?

More than anything, she wanted to tell her mother everything that had transpired. But what was she going to say? "I dreamt that my teacher was an evil mystical being that made a pass at me. Well not at first. At first, I was into it. But after awhile common sense took over and that's when he tried to use his powers to control me. But it turned out to be just a dream."

The more that she struggled with everything that was going on in her head, the more distracted she was becoming. She knew that this was not a good state to be in while driving. But Amanda decided to keep on heading home, even though her tears caused her vision to become blurry. As she reached for a tissue so that she could dry her eyes, a car had suddenly turned left into oncoming traffic.

It had come out of nowhere, as Amanda screamed while her feet hit the brakes. Time began to slow down, as her car careened out of control. As hard as she tried, she was unable to stop from crashing into the other driver. Her car slammed into the side of the other car that had pulled out in front of her.

Her seatbelt immediately jerked her body back, as it kept her head from hitting the steering wheel. The two cars had collided as the sound of metal scraping upon metal reverberated upon impact. Amanda's airbag had not deployed, and the car had shut itself down. Now she started crying for a completely different reason.

Worried about the other driver, she decided that she needed to get a hold of herself. However, Amanda had left her phone on the passenger's seat and saw it fly into the dashboard before hitting the floor. She knew she needed to call the police to report the accident, and then she would talk to the other driver before exchanging insurance and information. Unfortunately, when she went to grab it, the phone had been damaged in the accident.

This was just perfect, hopefully the other driver had a phone. Her drive home was through a rural area, and there usually wasn't a lot of traffic on this road. As she opened the glove compartment, to get her insurance card, she was surprised by the sound of someone aggressively pounding on the door.

Amanda let out a loud gasp, as and angry disheveled middle-aged looking man was glaring at her through bloodshot eyes. His messy brown hair looked as though it had not been washed in days, which only matched his wrinkled unkept business suit. The man kept angrily banging on the car window, while his face turned as bright red to match his already purple nose.

It was at that moment, when Amanda had realized that the man was drunk. Fearing for her safety, she locked the doors with her key fab as quickly as she could. He must have heard the sound of the click, as he began screaming obscenities while trying to open the car door.

"You stupid bitch! Fucking Cunt! Open this fucking door! Right Now! Or I swear I'll break this damn window!"

Terrified at what he might do, Amanda tried again to get her phone to work. But it was to no avail. It wasn't working, but he didn't know that. Hopefully, she could bluff her way out of this confrontation. Not knowing what else to do, Amanda yelled back at him.

"Leave me alone! I just called the police!"

But either he didn't believe her, or he was too angry or too drunk to even care. "Open this fucking door right now! Or so help me I will ring your neck!"

She began to tremble; terrified at the thought of what he might do. Amanda just shook her head, as she could feel the warm tears streaming down her cheeks. The man was obviously drunk, and not thinking clearly. Was he going to rape her? Was he going to kill her? It was at that moment where the man turned and walked away. Amanda felt relieved, until she saw him bend down and pick up a large rock.

She became horrified as she saw him walking back towards her. Amanda put the key back in the ignition, praying that it would start. Come on! Start! Her heart was racing, as she begged the car to turn over. Alas it was to no avail. A part of her wanted to get out of the car and run. But where would she go? Even though she felt trapped in her car, she was in the middle of nowhere. All she could do was hope for someone to drive by and help her.

The man stumbled towards the car, as he started yelling at her. "Open up bitch! If I have to break this window, I will kill you!"

Amanda just shook her head and cried. "No!"

"You asked for it!" he screamed. At that moment, he slammed the rock against the window as the glass shattered into a million pieces. Amanda screamed in terror, as he pushed his hand through the shattered glass. He reached for her, but she grabbed his hand and bit it as hard as she could. The man soon cried out in pain. "You stupid cunt! I'm going to rip your fucking head off!"

He soon pulled his hand away and grabbed it, while wincing in pain. Out of extreme fear, Amanda closed her eyes. She didn't know what else to do or where to turn. This man was drunk out of his mind, and he wanted to kill her. At that very moment she heard what sounded like a lion's roar.

Her eyes popped opened, as she saw the man scream in terror. Out of nowhere, a giant black panther had descended upon her would be attacker. Amanda watched in complete horror as the giant black cat pinned his helpless prey to the ground, and ripped out the screaming man's jugular. She screamed as the panther ripped him to shreds. The very man who had just been threatening her was now bathing in his own blood.

Amanda began to scream and cry because of the bloody horror that she was witnessing. Even though this was the same man who was going to hurt her, maybe even kill her, it was still a horrific site to witness. When the panther finished savoring its victim. It made a sound that was a cross between a growl and a purr. It then stared at her, as it looked into her eyes. Amanda just froze in utter fear, as the powerful creature licked its blood covered lips. Was it still hungry, was she next on the menu?

As Amanda began to tremble at the very prospect of becoming the panther's next meal, it quickly leaped over the car. And just as rapidly as it had arrived out of nowhere, it was soon gone. Amanda could not help but continue to cry over everything that had just happened. The accident, the drunken man that was threatening to kill her, and the mysterious panther attack; it was too much to bare. Before she knew it, she began throwing up.

Amanda closed her eyes, as she tried to get a hold of herself. She concentrated mainly on her breathing. As her adrenaline began to subside, so did her mind's ability to take in everything that had just transpired. Her mind and body began to weaken at the same time. Neither could handle what had just happened. And before she knew it, she began to slip into unconsciousness. Not wanting to fight it, Amanda soon let the darkness take over.

Mer Ek! I would die to protect you! And I will kill anyone who tries to harm you or take you away from me. I lost you once! I will not lose you again!

Amanda heard the voice inside of her head. She had no idea who was calling to her, and yet; she had a strong desire to answer his call.



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