Chapter One: Kariage?

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A/N: Please read the description!

"Kariage? I came over to do the science project with you. Damn it, Kariage! Open the door!" Bakugou banged on his best friend's door. 

They have been friends since they were in kindergarten. Of course, he had other friends but Kariage was his best friend. Now they're in middle school and still as close as ever.

He sighed. "Kariage! Come on, we pushed this back far enough. Let's hurry up. I'm not doing this one by myself again." Bakugou didn't hear anything so he pressed his ear up against the door. He just heard the news playing in the background. It looked like only the downstairs lights were on so Bakugou suspected that at least someone had to be up.

He tried the door handle to see if it was unlocked and it was. Weird. He opened the door and walked in. "Sorry for the intrusion." He whispered as he put his shoes next to his best friend's. 

Bakugou normally always came into work with Kariage. His parents loved that one of his friends actually care about how he's doing in school and dubbed him their favorite. He adjusted the strap of his backpack and walked to where their living room is.

"Sorry for coming so l-." 

Bakugou's white sock became dark as he stepped into a mystery pool of liquid. The only light came from the Tv as he watched his best friend cover his parents' bodies. His back facing the blond as the boy just stood there. Bakugou went to say something but the words were stuck in his throat. Was it the fear that was now coursing through his veins or was it the now dessert of his mouth?


Bakugou jumped. The sudden voice coming from the taller scared him shitless. "Fuck...fuck...fuck...fuck...f-" He dropped an object from his hands. It made a thud as it hit the blood-covered carpet. He slowly brought his hands up to his head and pulled at his hair. "I'm...I-i'" He cut himself off.


The boy almost gave himself whiplash from how fast he turned around. "" The boy's voice sounded strained. Like he was screaming beforehand. "K-ariage? What h-happened?" Bakugou could feel himself start to shake as he stared at the two mangled bodies.

You couldn't have thought that a kid did this.

He flinched as he saw Kariage turn to him. Bakugou was so tempted to just get the hell out of there. His friend just murdered two people. He felt his foot shift towards the front door to if he needed to he could just book it the hell out of there.

Kariage staggered his way to the blond. The last thing he wanted was for Katsuki to see this. He couldn't not this. Not any of these.  Bakugou felt his heartbeat out of his chest when Kariage towered over him. Normally he would just push him away or just yell out him for being so tall but this...this was different. So fucking different. 

"Katsuki...katsuki......katsuki...katsuki." He chanted. He dropped to his knees and started chanting his name over and over again. Bakugou didn't know what to do. He's never seen Kariage like this. And he thought that he'd never. 

Bakugou lifted his hand and placed them on either side of his face. He trembled as he wiped some blood off his cheek. Kariage looked up at him. He couldn't say anything. What was he supposed to say? He pulled his head to his stomach and wrapped his arms around his face. Kariage was hesitant before leaning in and wrapping his own hands around the boy.

Bakugou was 100% certain that the other could hear his heart beating out of his chest and that fact didn't help in the slightest.

"...katsuki...I love you...I love you...I love you...I love you...I love you..." His chanting was barely heard over the beating in his ears. He loved him? Bakugou tried to only fill his head with the boy's words but the two dead bodies in front of him made him feel out of it.

What was he going to do?

What were they going to do?


I just remember this was a ship so I wanted to write about it. As most if not all you guys has started! School started on Aug 30th for me and I couldn't get any writing done and it sucked. So I wanted to write at least something that I could probably get done.

This book will not have a set number of words like my other books. So it depends on how much time I have. Some days it will be 500 words others it might even be 250 words and the a slim chance there might be 1000 words but it all depends on school for me.

And you might have noticed that there is no Info chapter. This is just like a dabble of sorts. I will be 100% rewriting this but it might even be after I finish a couple of other books. 

So I hope you do enjoy it.

650 Words

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