Chapter Two: I would have thought you liked me

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"Did you hear about the Ashikari family?"


"You haven't heard?"

"No, what happened?"

"A family of three got murdered a couple of nights ago?"

"What really? Nothing like that happens around here."

"Yeah but you know how they are. They might have angered some mob boss."

"Don't joke about that stuff!"

"What happened to them?"

"The news says that the parents were found in the living room cut up pretty bad. If it wasn't for the fact that they were found in their own house they wouldn't have been able to tell who they were. Their ID cards were taken too like trophies!"

"You watch too many crime shows."

"You said there were three right? What happened to the other one?"

"Oh, you know Agei Ashikari? The one that goes here? or that used to."

"Agei Ashikari? Oh, you mean Kariage? That was his family?"

"Yeah, he was kidnapped. They found his room trashed and some of his blood on the walls."

"God that's terrible."

"Yeah, you think that's bad. His best friend was the one that found him."

"Bakugou found him?"

The three students turned towards the school gates. For the past week, he has been standing there as he would normally with this best friend Kariage. The only difference was that now he stood there alone.

His other friends would greet him but ultimately leave him alone. They couldn't even fathom what their friend was going through.

It was only two days until their middle school years were over and they would start high school. Everyone knew Bakugou was aiming for the best school in all of Japan. Yuuei. Only the best of the best would be accepted there and they all knew Bakugou was one of them. The teachers knew too so instead of doing actual work they would just allow them all to hang out and talk about what they want to do with their lives.

But one boy has already been doing what he wants to do for the rest of his life. He smiled to himself writing in his notebook about all the great things his Kacchan can be. A police officer. A firefighter. A detective. A big CEO. Izuku's everything. Oops. He's already that.

Midoriya and Bakugou have been friends ever since they were in diapers. If even before that. Their moms were friends in high school so maybe they were friends even before they were even alive. Midoriya giggled to himself as he thought about them both being soulmates.

'Would Kacchan be this sad if I disappeared?'

Bakugou could hear Deku murmuring under his breath about 'diapers' and 'soulmates.' Fucking weirdo.

He sighed thinking about the last couple of days.

"K-kariage? What do we do now?" Katsuki spoke after the other stood back up. The ravenette just stood there. "Like hell...if I know." "Then why do this?!" Katsuki yelled. "I did this for us, baby." "For us? What exactly did you do for us?" The blond wiped his face. "Killed two people." Katsuki slightly flinched away from the approaching hands but didn't pull away.

"Katsuki, you won't believe me if I told you. Just know that my parents were in with some bad people and what I just did saved us." Kariage placed two hands on Katsuki's face and wiped the remaining tears. "I'll humor you." "Kats, trust me. We've been friends since kindergarten. I wouldn't want to ruin that for anything. Please just trust me on this one." Katsuki didn't say anything, he just pushed his face more into his hand.

'I trust you.'

Kariage could tell from his eyes. He didn't want to lose the only real person in his life. He smiled and pulled one of Katsuki's hands to his face. Placing a kiss on his knuckles. "Katsuki. I'm gonna have to leave for a little bit. Just until the heat dies down about this." He felt the blond squeeze his hand as he spoke. "And I need you to call the cops."

"What? Why?" "I'm going to make this look like a kidnapping. I don't want any of this to point back to you."

"Kacchan!" The blond jumped in his seat and looked around. "Sorry, Kacchan! Just wanted to tell you that school is over and you weren't really moving so I wanted to see if you knew school was over or you were just sleeping or something." He rambled as the other just picked up his backpack and started to walk out of the class.

He made it half away down the hall before he heard quick footsteps follow him. "Kacchan! You walk so fast! I can't wait for you to be a hero!" The shorter cheered. Katsuki slightly appreciated that the other didn't ask questions about th-. "Kacchan, are you okay with everything that happened?" ...Nevermind.

"My feelings don't concern you." The green-haired boy's face didn't seem to falter from the concerned look. "But Kacchan, I care about you. I know that you were really close to Kariage." Izuku tried to hide the spitful way he said that bastard's name for Katsuki's sake.

"Deku, what are you after?" "W-what?" "I'm not stupid. You only try to talk to me when Kariage was not around. And the only thing you do talk about is me.

If I didn't know better I would have thought you liked me."

Went off on this one. This was supposed to stop at 500 words but it didn't make sense to stop here so I just continued.

897 Words.

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