Mile 1

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The team was sitting in their cars waiting for their signals when Jesse's phone went off. "Just packed up a real money load, ands its coming your way. Look for Rodgers on the trucks side and don't forget my share of the deal" and with that He hung up.

3PM:Torreto Cafe

 3PM:Torreto Cafe

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^^^^Adrianna now

Two young woman could be seen inside of the Torreto shop when an red truck with the words "The racer's edge" on each side. "Hey Mia your vanilla milkshake is here" Adrianna said with an hint of venom in her voice. Mia, who has been her best friend since she was 16 rolled her eyes at the comment but never less went to take the mans order

"Tuna on white, no crust, right?" Mia meantly thanked her memory for not messing up "I don't know how is it" The boy described as an vanilla milkshake name was really named Brian. Adrianna rolled her eyes at his sly comment.

"Every day, for the last three weeks you've come here, asking how the tuna is. It was crappy yesterday, It was crappy the day before. and guess what? It hasn't changed " And with that statement the Cortez woman bursted out laughing but quickly covered it up with an cough when both people in the room in the room looked at her. One with a smile and the other with a slight glare.

Her laughter was like music to the oldest torreto who was at the moment worrying about how he was gonna pay the bills. "I'll have the tuna" Brian Told the youngest Torreto with a smirk of his face.

"No crust?" Mia asked with a slight smile. "No crust." He repeated.

In the middle of Brian eating his disgusting tuna sandwich four cars pulled up. In one car was the love of Dom torreto and Adriana Cortez life ,Letty Ortiz. In the two cars next to her was Two boys who the cortez woman loved like a son, Jesse and Leon ,and in the last car was Dom's best friend since 3rd grade. Vince

"Talk to me Jesse. This ain't working brother." Vince said sounding clearly frustrated.

"It's your fuel map. It's got a nasty hole. That's why you're unloading in the third" Jesse said as the four of them crowded around Vince's car. "Told you . I length the injector pulse a millisecond, just tune the NOS timer, you'll run nines." Vince stopped talking when he noticed the same red truck that has been infront of the Torreto cafe for the past three weeks

"What's up with this fool, Is he sandwich crazy?" Vince asked clearly angry. "No. He ain't here for the food dog" Lean said trying to get arise out of Vince. "Chill out. He's slinging parts for harry." Letty said trying to calm the situation and not start a fight especially with her girlfriend there and after what she went through as a child

"I know what he's slinging " Jesse states with a smirk only to receive a slap to the head. Mia looked up from her magazine when she heard four set of foot steps walking towards the entrance of the cafe.

"What's up guys?" The youngest torreto asked happily because she didn't see her family when she woke up this morning. Everyone said their respected hellos to Mia and Adriana.

Letty walked up to her girlfriend, grabbed her by her waist and kissed her like she always did even if they had just seen each other this morning. What made them pull apart was Leon wolf whistling. The two women pulled apart and just stared at each other ignoring the laughter from their family around them and Brian's curious stare until Letty said "Hey baby"

"Hi my love" Adrianna replied with a shy smile
then took her girlfriends hand and walked to the back room

"Hey Dom. You want something to drink" Letty asked while putting on arm on the door frame. Dom didn't reply but just held up the drink he already had and didn't turn around until he heard Adrianna muttering"Well someone has an attitude" before she walked away with Letty right behind her

When the future Torreto women who have known each other for the past 13 years had both walked to the front as they heard Vince yell "Try Fatburger from now on. Get yourself a Double cheese with fries for 2.95 f*ggot" as he followed Brian out of the Cafe ignoring when Adrianna yelled "Hey, Language " while Leon and Jesse laughed

"I like the tuna here." Brian said lying through his teeth because he knew damn well that the tuna was nasty. "Bullsh**. No one liked the tune here." Vince and Adrian said in unison making Mia glare at the them

"Yeah,Well, I do." The O'connor man said trying to open his car door only to be stopped when Vince pushed him into it then punched him. Adriana tensed up because she hates when her family gets hurt and would kill anyone who did so when Mia noticed a change in her body language she decided to try and stop the fight.

"Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out here i'm sick of this." Mia yelled and when Dom would get up that's when Mia got angry "I'm not kidding get out here" This time Dom took her seriously. "What did you put in that sandwich " He asked with a smile totally disregarding that his best friend was getting beat up.

"That's really funny" Mia said with narrowed eyes. "Dom!" Letty exclaimed because she noticed her girlfriends hands starting to shake. She nodded her head towards Adrianna and now it was Dom's turn to take control before Adrianna does. "Alright"

Dom walked out of the shop with Letty , Mia, Leon and Jesse following. He pulled Brian off of his best friend and pinned the blond to his car. "Hey, man. He was in my face" Brian said still watching Vince to make sure he didn't try anything. "I'm in your face" Dom said and looked at him with angry eyes.

"What the heck was that comeback" Adrianna managed to say through deep breaths while Letty tried to calm her down only to get quiet snorts from everyone except Dom who just gave her an "Dont push it " look.

Adrianna tried to calm  herself down but noticed Vince taking Dom's distraction as a go and tried to lunge at Brian again.

"Relax! Don't push it! You embarrass me!" Adrianna exclaimed then pushed Vince into Leon and Jesse who held him back while the oldest torreto said "Baby, Give me the wallet" As Adriana picked up the wallet off of the floor.

"Brian O'connor." Dom read. "Hey Love, Doesn't that sound like a serial killer name" The mixed Woman asked as she read over her boyfriends shoulder. "Is that what you are " Adrianna asked with a look in her eye you just couldn't place, it was like she knew all of brian's secrets. "Answer her!" Dom said as he pushed Brian further into the red truck.
(A/n: For the sake of my book Brian is keeping his real last name and you'll see why)

"Nah man." Brian said with an defeated look on his face. "Good, don't come around here again" Adrianna said as she turned around and walk towards her girlfriend. Almost two seconds after she walked away the oldest torreto followed her alone with the three musketeers. "Hey,man this is bullsh**" Brian  called from behind the five but wished he didn't when Adrianna turned around with a dangerous look in her eye.

"You work for harry right?" She asked somewhat calm. "Yea" Brian answered hesitantly "You were just fired" she spat
and walked back into the cafe .


But ummm this is my first book so go easy on me but I wanna say THAT WAS THE FORST CHAPTER AND I POST ON WEEKENDS AND WEDNESDAY❤️

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