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L/N= Last name
You're originally from Russia but you didn't speak Russian much in front of the girls so they didn't know you spoke it.
You were currently arguing on the phone with your Boss because he was blaming you for stealing paperwork even though you didn't. "Stop lying to me L/N I know you did it!" your boss yelled, "I didn't do it you Сука!(bitch)" you shouted, "You know what I'm quitting!" You almost screamed. You then hang up the phone and throw it against the wall, "Тупая сука обвиняет меня в том, чего я даже не делал." (Dumb bitch blaming me for something I didn't even do) You then turned around to see the girls in the doorway with their mouths wide open. "How long have you been standing there?" You ask, "The whe time you were talking" Jesy says raising an eyebrow, "Дерьмо (shit)" you say mutter.
"So what language were you speaking?" Perrie asks, "Russian" you say. "You speak Russian?" Leigh-Anne says, "Yeah it's my native language", "Wow, can you tell us a few words?" "Okay, so Hello is Привет, and How are you is Пошел ты на ху" "Oooooo" They all said, "What was that word you said earlier?" Jade asks, "Which one?" You say, "Сука?" She says, "Oh, that means Bitch" you said with a sheepish smile. "THERE IS NO CURSING IN THIS HOUSEHOLD" Jesy screamed your ear.
Yeah I have no idea where this went, probably cause I'm dumb and have no ideas