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Vitiligo: A condition where a person has a loss of skin color in blotches
You have Vitiligo, which is a condition where you have a loss of skin color on certain parts of your body. Kids always used to bully you for it, but you found yourself unique and you had confidence in yourself, you never let anyone tell you otherwise.
When you first joined X-Factor, the first thing people noticed was your skin, most of them found it unique, some found it weird and revolting. But you didn't care, all you cared about during that time was trying to achieve your dream.
The girls absolutely loved you, they would always complement you and tell you how unique you were. You loved and appreciated them for that, if someone insulted you then they'd defend you, and they just always had your back. You were all inseparable and loved each other, when you announced that you were all dating the mixers went ballistic, although you all made is obvious you loved each other no one expected it.
You all were finished performing a song and you decided to make a speech.
"I just want to make a speech to these girls and everyone else in this arena right now. First, I just wanna say I love these girls and that they have been with me through thick and thin. They are all so supportive and defend me if something happens, and I, I-I just love you guys so much-"
You couldn't finish without breaking down, you loved your girls so much for how they've supported you for all these years. The girls awed pulled you into a group hug, which made the crowd awe and start chanting your name. Once they released you and comforted you, you continued your speech.
"And second, I want to thank all of you Mixers in the crowd right now, you are all so kind and supportive. I can't explain how much you all mean to me, and that I love you." You finished your speech with a smile, all of the crowd screamed and most even cried.
You loved your girls and the fans with all your heart and for how much they support you and make you feel beautiful, they're like yoursecond family.
This is some cute fluff again because I want to :]