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Alexia's POV

I was so pissed with Ace right now. I wanted to shoot him. I wanted to kill him. I fucking hate that bastard. Everytime he comes close to me, my body reacts like crazy. I fucking hate that feeling. It makes me feel like someone is controlling me and i cannot do anything about it.

I should find whoever that motherfucker who has been messing with me and Ace and kill whoever it is once and for all. Then, i won't have to deal with Ace and his fucking mood swings.

I left that meeting with all eyes on me and i couldn't give two fucks. He knew i was pissed, yet, he snapped at me infront of his men. All i did was return the favour. After all, i also have a reputation to uphold.

Laying on the bed, i took out my phone and went on social media for a bit. I don't really use that shit but when im bored, i do. Suddenly, i was interrupted by a knock on the door. Getting off the bed, i opened the door to reveal a nervous Zayn who was scratching his neck.

"Well?", I raised an eyebrow at him, "Are you gonna say something or keep standing there like a statue?"

"Yeah well-," he started "See, I wanted to ask if you're all right."

"Im fine," I replied in amusement, wondering when he will ask what he really want to ask. "What's up with you and Ace?", He finally asked. Called it.

"Nothing that concerns you." I stated.

"Ouch-", He gasped, placing his hand on his heart, "I thought we were friends."

"We are?" I asked confused as he raised his eyebrow at me, "I mean, yeah. We are. We are."

"Sooo, tell me?", He pouted like a child.

And to think he is the underboss.

"Fine," i sighed and moved aside, "Come on in." He grinned before entering and made his way on the bed while i stood there leaning against the now closed door with my arms crossed.

"Story time!" He patted the bed next to him while yelling.

I shook my head at his child behaviour and let out a laugh. "You behave like a immature adult."

"Only with the people i like," He winked, "And besides, mature adult are so fucking boring."

"True that."

"Now, tell me the story." He said and so i did. I told him everything that happened between Ace and I but of course, skipped the intimate details.

After a minute of silence, he breathed out, "What a dick." And i could not help but agree with him. A dick indeed.

"Are you coming to the mission with us?" He asked in all seriousness.

I shrug. "I don't know what to do. I left the meeting, remember?"

"Don't worry," he smiled, "I'll fill you in and you can come with us, yes?"

I gave him an appreciative smile and nodded. "Okay."

Suddenly, the door was bursted open with a running Liam. "Xia!" He jumped on my lap which made me fall on the bed.

"Hey champ." Zayn pounded his fist to his.

"Hey uncle Zy." Liam smiled at him.

"Hey Liam. What's up?" I asked as he straddled me. I laid on my back on the bed with Zayn beside me.

"I'm so bored!", Liam exclaimed, "My mommy and daddy kicked me out of the room saying that they have some sort of private business to do together." He pouted.

"Private business, huh?", Zayn asked amused.

"Yup," He sighed, "So, I'm alone and as I love you and you love me. I thought we could play together."

"Who said i love you?", I asked faking the same tone as him making him pout. "You don't?"

"I do," i chuckled, "I was kidding."

"Sooo, what were you and uncle Zy doing here alone-?" He asked grinning.


"We were doing some private business just like your mommy and daddy are doing right now." Zayn joked and started laughing while i glared at him.

"Shut the fu-", I stopped remembering Liam was still here. "Shut up Zayn. We were talking about your stupid, idiotic, di- Bad, ass-, rude uncle, Ace."

"What did my stupid, idotic, di-, bad, ass-, rude uncle Ace do?" Liam asked innocently.

"Don't say those words Liam." I warned earning a nod from him. "So, what private business were you two doing?"

"Now now, Champ," Zayn started, "It's called private for a reason." Zayn smirked. What kind of thoughts is he placing in a 3 year old kid's head?

"You mean like hugging business?", Liam asked after a while of thinking.

My eyes widened, "Hug what? No. " I sighed, "Business which involves paperwork and so on." I tried explaining.

"Ohhh." Liam let out.

"Yeah." I looked at Zayn, "Now, when do we leave?"

"In an hour. You go to the weapon room and chose whatever weapon you're good with then come downstairs." He stated.

"Alright." I nodded

"Where are you guys going?" Liam asked as he laid his head on my chest. I instantly placed my head on his back. "Sleepy?" I asked and received a 'Mhm' from him.

"I'm gonna go," Zayn stood up, "Have to get everything ready. See you later." He looked at me and Liam while smiling, "Bye Champ."

"Bye Uncle Zy." He replied in a sleepy voice. Zayn smiled before leaving the room.

"Liam, you can sleep here okay? I have to go and get ready." I said, playing with his hair.

"Okay." He replied. I stood up with him on me, placing him on the bed and covered him with the blanket then went in the shower.

After about 15 minutes, I got out of the shower and wore a black shirt, black boots and black pants. After all, we are going on a mission. After changing, i went in the weapon room and took a few knifes and 2 guns.

"Ready." I muttered to myself after loading the guns. With that, i headed downstairs where i was met with Ace, Zayn, Harry, Alex and 12 other guys.

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