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Alexia's POV

Once arrived, Ace went to his room to change then went directly to the living room where Giovanni and Angelina were sitting.

I, for one, went to take a shower. I needed to get out of that dress. Once done, I wore a shirt with my waist in display and a pair of jeans. Once comfortable, i went downstairs.

I sat on the single couch while Ace was sitting on the other single couch with Giovanni and Angelina infront of him. Zayn, Alex and Harry was next to me.

"So, you're saying someone in the Russian, Moscov, My Right hand is betraying me?" Giovanni spoke angrily.

Ace nodded before saying, "That's what the woman whom we caught stealing from us said."

"I'll kill him." Giovanni stated then turned his gaze on me. He looked at me for while before his gaze went down at my waist. I raised my eyebrow in confusion as his gaze was still fixed on my waist. My eyes widened as realisation hit me. I forgot to cover the tattoo.


"Li fantasma, The ghost." Giovanni's eyes widened as he switched his gaze back on me.

"Where? Who? What?" Angelina let out a small chuckle, "Oh honey. She's a myth. Nobody actually knows her."

"It's you, isn't it?" Giovanni said, staring at me along with everyone else. I looked at Ace only to see him giving me the "Im pissed at you" look. Giving me the "I'm pissed at you" look. Im so screwed.

"You have her, All these times," Giovanni said with a hint of surprise in his tone, "She is your secret weapon?" He continued, looking at Ace this time. Wait, what? His secret what—?

"What secret weapon? Do I look like a goddamn weapon to you?" I snapped at him. I fucking hate it when people say that im a weapon. And when i say hate it, i mean, I could kill them. That kind of hatred.

"I didn't mean to—", Giovanni looked at me apologetically, "Im sorry."

"Who told you that I have a secret weapon?" Ace asked, clenching his jaw, "She is not a secret fucking weapon. She's my allie."

"I'm sorry, Ace. It's just that words get around." Giovanni gave Ace a tight smile as he looked at him confusingly, "Words? What words?"

"They said Ace has a secret weapon. One which is deadly, fearless. Some people even thought of Li fantasma, the ghost is in your possession while others believed that you have a deadly gun." Giovanni explained while i had to stifle a laugh at the 'Deadly gun'

"Explains why Moscov was stealing our guns, Ace." Zayn stated with an eye roll. "Dumb fucker."

"Moscov always wanted power. So, yes it makes sense," Giovanni pointed out, "But careful, he might come after you."

"Let him come." Ace scoffed.

"We shall leave now. Don't worry, Moscov shall be dealt with. You, my friend, I believe you have more important than moscov to worry about." Giovanni said as he patted Ace on his shoulder.

He's right, we have that crazy dude who wanted me and Ace dead. Speaking of which, we haven't got any lead on him yet.

"Thank you for having us." Angelina smiled at us before they both left.

"Why didn't you hide your tattoo?" Ace asked once they left. I shrugged, "I forgot to." He sighed before nodding.

"Aceeeeeeee babbyyyy I missed youuu—" An annoying voice of a female screamed from the door.

"Oh fuck no." Zayn muttered under his breath. Just then, the woman with the annoying voice revealed herself. She walked in, wearing high heels. Like, really really high. With a neon pink dress, she had blonde hair, plastic boobs obviously and plastic lips too from what I can see.

Ace rubbed his forehead. "Who the fuck let her in?"

The bodyguard looked like he was about to piss his pants. "She said she's your girlfriend, boss." He managed to say.

Girlfriend? Really? I narrowed my eyebrows at what the bodyguard said.

"What? You are not happy to see me?" She asked Ace smugly, placing herself on his lap. He growled before shoving her off and that's how she hit the ground with a loud thud making me bite my cheek in order not to laugh. I could see Zayn, Alex and Harry doing the same while watching the scene infront of us.

"Get out of here, Maria." Ace said coldly.

"It's Marie."

"Do I look like I care?"

"You look tired. Come with me, i'll give you a massage" Marie spoke, placing her hand on his.

"Who is she?" I whispered to Zayn

"Just another whore of Ace's." Zayn replied but it came out loud and i don't know if it's an unfortunately or fortunately, but marie heard him.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" Marie asked angrily, her gaze on her Zayn.

"A whore," Zayn shrugged. "Deaf much?"

"Listen here, you pathetic little worker. You work for my boyfriend, don't disrespect me." Marie stated as i glared at her. I could see Ace doing the same thing. Zayn looked like he was seconds away from murdering her.

"Listen here you bitch. That's my friend you're talking to. And for your information, he doesn't work for him, he works with him. Not that you'll know the difference between those two cause you look uneducated." I stated calmly. I repeat, calmly.

"And who might you be?"

"I'd tell you but I don't want a prostitute to know my name." I shrugged then look at Zayn before asking innocently, "Does that make me a bad person?" Zayn held his laughter along with Harry and Alex. I swear I saw Ace smirking.

Marie looked like she was about to burst. "Bitch!" She snapped, raising her hand, tried to slap me. But me being me, caught her wrist before she could and placed his behind her back. "You were about to slap me? Me? Why would want to slap an innocent person who means no harm?" I fake pouted.

"You're hurting me..." marie winced, trying to remove her hand from my hold.

"No. I'm just defending myself. You were about to hurt me." I replied

"Let me go bitch." Marie stated angrily before looking at her, "Ace, tell that bitch to let me go!"

"Call her bitch again and I guarantee you, you'll be begging me to kill you." Ace said, giving her a harsh glare while Zayn and Alex winked at me. Shaking my head at their childish action, i let go of Marie's hand. I was getting tired of holding it and it is disgusting. She held her wrist as she turned around to look at me. "Who are you even, huh?"

"Just an assassin and a Mafia princess" I shrugged wearing an innocent making  Zayn, Alex and Harry erupt in laughter.  Ace was smirking and this time, he didn't even hide it.

"You're... You're a what?" Marie's eyes widened as she started shaking in fear.

"Did all your plastic surgeries turned you deaf?" I asked with an eye roll.

"I—" she started but got quiet again. I scoffed before saying, "You have 5 seconds to get out of here. If Im done counting till five and you're still standing here. I'll shoot you in your vagina." The others bursted out laughing while Marie' eyes widened at what i said.

"Let's start, shall we?" I stated as I removed my gun from my waistband.




"Fo—" before i could finish, she started running out of the house.

"Oh," Zayn started catching his breaths from laughing, "My god."

"That was awesome." Harry stated, smiling.

Ace got off his chair, walked towards me and whispered, "That was hot." Without waiting for a reply from me, He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Woah. What the fuck are you doing?" I asked confusingly as i struggled to get out from his grip. Instead of replying, he continued to walk towards the stairs as the others watched him confusingly. 

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