#1 His Funeral

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I was crying in our room when my daughter came in to prevent my from crying she stood there holding my hand and reassuring me everything will be fine, I am blessed to have a courageous and smart daughter like her. They say kids learn from their parents, and at this moment I can't cry and do nothing I have to be an excellent example for my little angel. I wiped my tears and smiled to show I am fine she doesn't need to worry. With that we both head out for the funeral.


" Unnie, don't worry everything will be fine from tomorrow I will start working instead of oppa you should take care of yourself and our Ha-ra, she needs you " Somi said while rubbing my back

"Anni, you shouldn't let go of your dreams after a lot of... effort you made it to your favourite University... Y-you should go to USA... I will manage d-don't worry.... Your oppa would have wanted you to follow your dreams" I spoke while I was on the verge of crying

Everyone had gone back now soyeon and somi wanted to stay as they were worried about us but I had to send them they had their own work to do afterall. Ha-ra was asleep on my lap I was still sitting right infront of his grave talking to it, complaining why did he leave me alone, remembering our happy past. Now that he couldn't come back I have to take care of my child my family crying won't help. I picked up my asleep daughter and walked out to our car and we drove back home.

I laid ha-ra on her bed and went to our room to change into normal clothes. While taking every step I only felt him not one corner in this house was not screaming his name, I felt I was breaking, my knees were being weak with every step I took I rushed to my phone and dialed Mrs Jeon's number.

Hello mom,
I had a request to make.

Ah! What is it say
I will do every possible
thing I can.

Over here,
I-I can't live..here in
this house it
reminds me of him it
makes..me s-sader and weaker.

It's ok,
I understand where
do you want to move.


ut of Busan,
to Seoul where I can forget
about the past and
about this
business I will handle the main branch in Seoul,
please mom.

It's ok you can move
I am thankful
for you to be with
us the whole
time...a-a .. will you
and ha-ra come
to visit us sometimes?

I will,we will,
thank you mom
we will depart
tomorrow itself,
take care bye.


The next day

I and ha-ra are leaving for Seoul. Tears in eyes, pain in heart, memories in brain, coldness in touch that's how I am right now. We both waved to my sister-in-laws somi and soyeon and took a flight to Seoul to start a new life.


Thank you for the cover TaelisminTaelismin

The widow ( Taelicekook ) {LS x KTH x JK}Where stories live. Discover now