#2 New life New people

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I and Ha-ra were inside the flight now she was peeking out of the window, she was excited to go to Seoul,she was eager to see it. Seeing the happiness in her eyes made me a little happy afterall I was doing this all for her, for us. The more near we were getting to Seoul the more worries I have.


We landed in Seoul and seeing this little angel jumping I had to giggle she is so pure yet strong.

"Ahem! May I have your attention,mom"
"Umm.. yes you can miss"
"Where is our new house"
" Nearby, come sit in the car so that you can see our new house and tomorrow is new school,ok sweetie"
"I am excited, school means new friends.. yes!"

The house was quite big, I didn't want to live here because now it's only 2 of us neither I am very addictive to luxurious lifestyle but mother and father in law wanted us to live here I could not deny them. The best part was that Ha-ra loved her room something really like her doll house seeing her happy I was satisfied. Soon as we arranged our closest I decided to call my in-laws to inform them we reached safely. Ha-ra was very tired after our journey she drifted to sleep right away. I must say she looks so cute while sleeping, those Bunny features she definitely looks like jungkook. A little rabbit. Thinking about him I feel happy but later end up crying, now onwards I will never cry, for my daughter I have to be strong.


I was standing with a bag of famous and expensive sweets from Busan,we live in a posh area with rich people I have to greet my neighbours nicely. I pressed the door bell of the house in front of ours. After a few minutes the door opened revealing a blonde girl with pretty eyes she was tall and her dressing was the modern queen type, I could say she is quite girly. Followed by a man who is short but not too much, his silked baby pink hair complimented his skin colour. I personally liked his designer suit,he was handsome and yes he gave the rich boy look. I assumed they would be rude enough and only act classy and sweet to rich people after I saw them but they were the opposite.

"Oh, you are?" The blonde spoke having my attention
"Hello, I am jeon lalisa... Um no.. I am lalisa manoban also you can call me Lisa, I live there, the house in front of yours, basically I am your neighbour , nice to meet you"
The blonde girl stared at me and suddenly smiled widely
"Hi I am Park Rosé and this is my finacé Park Jimin , nice to meet you too"
Jimin offered a handshake friendily. I accepted it and they invited me to their house offered my coffee which I merely drank. They liked the sweets I gave we talked awhile and I head out to the other house with another bag of sweets.


This time two pretty girls were chatting while sitting in the garden of their house. One was quite a classy women with brown long hair, chubby cheeks and wide smile,she wore branded limited edition top and pencil skirt. While the other was having a fun to be with friendly aura, her hair was long as well and black, perfect heart shaped lips, she looked very much like a model or actress, she wore Cartier necklace and a casual one piece. They were really pretty. When from outside the gate I greeted

They came forward one with a blank face and other with a pleased smile
"Hi, I think you are the new neighbour" said the second girl
"Yes I am Lisa, nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too Lisa, I am jisoo this is my wife Jennie, she is a little scary but later when you become friends she will be really sweet"
I nodded in agreement and the same happened here like it happed at rosé's house.


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