11 Cin Guin

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The kingdom looks nothing like I expected it to. I have never been here, not within the city walls, anyway. I knew the kingdom had fallen since the King died but this is worse than I expected. I can't hide the shock I feel seeing the dirty streets and ragged looking people we pass by. None of them look up as we pass, this is either so ordinary an occurrence that they are no longer surprised by it, or they are afraid to look at Roman. My guess is the latter.

I turn to look at Roman, watching the way he walks, the way he holds his head up, proud. He shouldn't be proud of this. This is a dying place, a once prosperous and bountiful kingdom that has become a wasteland of poverty and starvation. I should feel like a sheep amongst wolves but I'm not afraid of these people. They are weak, exhausted under the weight of their struggle to survive.

The shadow of the castle looms over us, blocking out any warmth the sun would have given. I shiver in his arms, from cold and from the fear that is creeping up my spine.

In a way that I can't explain, it's not Roman that I fear. It's everyone else here. I can feel that he won't kill me, it's a sure, unexplainable sense, deep inside of me. He could have killed me in the forest, if I was anyone else he would have. His hand was on my neck, squeezing, but he stopped himself. Instead, he did something else, something... telling. He thought he was dominating me, using me, and maybe he was, but underneath it all, he was claiming me, marking me as his and I let him.

I didn't struggle, I didn't fight against him. I fought against my own arousal, my desire, and let him. Worst still, I enjoyed it.

My mind feels weighed down by the events of today. I should be panicking at my current situation but I can't stop thinking about his body pressed to mine. We walk silently toward a heavy iron gate leading into a dark tunnel under the castle. The air inside is thick, stale and damp. I drag my feet and he chuckles darkly.

"Keep going, mate, we're almost there."

I shudder and pull my heavy feet toward a long row of cells. The dim light makes it hard to see but something catches my eyes. The air is knocked from my lungs and my legs crumble beneath me.

"Ada!" I scream into the sticky air as my body jerks in Romans tight grasp.

"What are you doing? Stand up," he pulls my body up but I can't focus on him.

Hot tears pour down my cheeks instantly, "Cin guin" I choke between sobs. (You're alive).

"Glenn dinen, eil," my fathers voice cuts through my chest like a knife. He's alive. He's here. (Go quietly, daughter)

I know I need to calm down, but it's too late. Roman knows that there is something between us, and I can feel his mind reeling. Rage rolls through him as he drags me into an empty cell at the end of the block, far away from my father. He pushes me inside until I'm pressed against the wall, his hand digging into my chest.

"No Elvish here," his rough voice growls as he leans in, close to my face. I can see his eyes, searching mine. My focus is on my father. I need to know how injured he is, how badly this monster standing in front of me has hurt him.

He can either sense it or see it in my eyes because a wicked grin creeps over his face.

"Who is he to you? Your real mate, maybe?"

He can try to hide it but I can feel the rage. Not at being 'lied to' but at the possibility of me having another mate. What happened in the woods was out of his control. The bond is messing with him. He feels it just as strongly as I do.

"Jealous, Roman?"

He pushes his body against mine, I can feel the now familiar hardness between his legs.

"Tell me the truth, where did you get this magic? Give me something and I might let you share a cell with your mate. That would be a touching reunion, wouldn't it?"

I push my chest forward, pressing it to his, our lips just inches apart, "It would be very touching indeed."

A deep, gravelly growl rips through his chest as he pushes his lips to mine with bruising force. I feel his canines clashing with my teeth, his tongue dominating mine, his lips crushing mine.

He pushes himself against me, groaning into my mouth as his cock rubs between my thighs. I want to reach out and touch it, to run my fingers over his skin.

Just as quickly as it started he pulls back, stopping himself before he loses control again. He pulls my arms into shackles attached to the wall before storming out of the cell. When the bars rattle closed I wait in the darkness, trying to catch my breath.

I hate this bond. I hate him. I hate that in spite of everything, I don't really hate him at all.

I wait in the dark, listening until I think it's safe.

"Adar?" I call quietly. (Father)

"No Elvish, Solana," his voice cuts through the darkness, warming my skin.

"Negr?" I ask. (Are you hurt?)

"I'm healing. Who survived the..." he's cut off by a loud, angry yell.


"Fifteen of us made it to the mountain elves camp but we were attacked there too. I don't know..."

"I said silence!" A booming voice echoes through the room, echoing against the bars. I lean as far forward as the chains will allow to see a large guard stalking toward my cell.

"Looks like the new prisoner needs to learn the rules," he unlocks my cell and steps in, his hulking body filling the doorframe completely.

I shudder slightly, he feels no bond with me, he will have no problem ripping me limb from limb. I square my shoulders and look him in the eye. I won't show fear. I'm chained, I'm easy prey, I will keep my dignity.

He pulls one of the chains loose, hooking it into another anchor on the wall, forcing my body to turn, exposing my back to him. I grit my teeth and close my eyes as I feel his hand on my back. It's a soft touch at first but I can feel his bones shifting against my skin.

His claws emerge, "there are rules here. You don't speak unless it's to give us information, do you understand?"

I pull my head up, turning to look him in the eyes. He chuckles and pushes his claws into my skin before running them down the length of my back, shredding my skin in the process. His movements are slow, precise, almost clean. He doesn't even have to exert any energy to bring me to my knees.

I feel myself sway, the lacerations on my back bleeding heavily down my legs, pooling on the floor at my feet.

I hardly notice him step out of the cell, the door slamming, causing the wall to shake. I slump forward, resting my face against the cold, rough stones. A whimper slips past my lips, cracking my resolve.

My torn flesh burns as I try to keep my body from trembling. I feel myself losing consciousness, a welcome respite from the fire.

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