18 Shot Through the Heart

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Everyone has to sleep in a seated position, leaning against the trees in the cramped space. I look over the others as they sleep, furrowed brows and frowns etched into each of their faces.

My body aches, desperate for sleep but it won't come. When my eyes close, memories play over and over in my mind.

Aerins bloody, mangled body haunts me. She was there the whole time. How much of her horrifying condition was caused by Roman?

Being here, with the others, is filling me with a deep anxiety. My presence is putting them in danger. Roman will find me. I can feel it in my bones. There is another hidden camp that the mountain elves established as a meeting place in case of an attack. This group has been waiting here, too afraid to move. Now that my father is here, the entire group is going to move up the mountain to the camp.

I can't be responsible for all of these people being hurt or killed. I won't be joining them on the journey.

Just before sunrise, as quietly as I can, I crawl toward the path created below the bushes. I need to leave before it's too late.

A gentle touch to my hand brings me face to face with my father. He gives me a small, sad smile before pressing a quick kiss to my hand.

"Take these," he hands me a quiver of arrows and a bow string, "be safe, Solana. We will find one another again."

"Im mel cin," I whisper before crawling under the brush. (I love you)

I move toward the sound of the river, hoping that I can follow it up to the lookout post. I'm not sure where to go, it feels like a pointless venture to try to find a well hidden place to take shelter. I know I need to be careful, there are other scouts and search teams that come searching but Roman will find me.

I can feel him through the bond, he's closer than he was before. I jump out of the trees to sprint beside the water, it's faster. I need to put some distance between myself and the group. It's the best way to give them a chance.

I creep toward the lookout post, searching for any signs that someone else is here. It looks untouched, my bow is still laying in the middle of the path near my pack and clothes. No one has been here since me... and Roman.

I secure my bow and direct myself inward, moving deeper into the forest.

By midday I have found materials to make more arrows, nuts, sap and berries. I don't have shelter but I will be well fed. I sit against a tree, shaping sticks, mindless work that allows my thoughts to drift to Roman almost constantly.

The bond is the only explanation for why he saved me, why he killed a wolf to save me. I'm afraid of our next encounter. Will he be so overcome with grief over his actions that he kills me? Will he show an ounce of tenderness? I don't know what to expect.

A shout draws my attention toward the river. I pull myself into the tree, listening. I hear the loud, careless pounding of feet against the ground. Four mountain elves tear into the clearing, they run out into the open, and turn, bracing themselves, in defensive fighting positions.

Two wolves stalk out of the tree line. I hold my breath as the wolves circle around the elves, the four men pressing their backs together.

I pull an arrow from my quiver and brace it over my finger, setting into position without pulling back on the bow string.

I wait, not wanting to give away my position.

One of the wolves lunges forward which causes a whirlwind of chaos. I can hardly tell who is friend or foe, the group moving so quickly, rolling over one another. The elves are obviously well trained in combat, not backing down from the fight.

I watch in awe as one of the elves sheathes a dagger in between the ribs of one of the wolves. The action causes the wolf to yelp and leap back, giving the elf enough time to jump up. One of the elves appears gravely injured, blood pouring from his neck.

I pull my arrow back, ready to strike the wolf standing over the wounded elf when something moves in the tree line. Another wolf slowly steps out from the trees. His golden eyes are trained on me.

My finger slips and the arrow falls to the ground below the tree. We sit, unmoving, staring at each other. One of the wolves snarls and we both peel our eyes away to look at the all but forgotten mayhem.

Three elves are fighting against one wolf while the other wolf and elf are fighting in the grass, both struggling to move through their bloody injuries. The wolf rises above the elf, raising his clawed paw to drop the final blow.

My body reacts, sending an arrow straight through his eye. He drops instantly. The others are too busy to notice but I can feel Romans eyes on me again.

The three elves are able to overpower the single wolf long enough to gain the upper hand. Two of them sprint down the path, the wolf snarling after them. The last elf turns toward Roman, pulling a blade from his boot.

I cringe as the elf sprints toward Roman. I watch as Roman swiftly, almost effortlessly dodges every advance. For a moment I close my eyes and will the elf to run, to flee like the others did.

After several missed attempts one of the elves swipes makes contact, slicing into one of Romans front legs. He snarls and lunges forward, grabbing the elf by the forearm. He moves with such grace and speed I can hardly tell how he did it but the elf is pinned to the ground below him, his knife just out of reach.

My heart stops as I watch Roman lean down, taking the elfs neck in his teeth.

I pull an arrow out of my quiver and set my fingers on my bow. I hold, aiming at Romans wide open chest, his heart.

A tremor runs through my fingers. I've never hesitated to release an arrow before. The moments since we've met flash through my mind, his roughness, his softness, his rage and fury.

I take a deep breath and swiftly jerk my hand to the right, releasing the arrow into his shoulder.

He yelps and jumps back, running toward the tree line.

I jump down from the tree, ready to sprint in the opposite direction but we both stop. His golden eyes meeting mine before he dips his head and runs out of sight. My heart pounds in my chest, I couldn't do it, I couldn't kill him.

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