Psycho Killer

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Song - Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads

I sit in the room for hours, or days, I can't tell. It feels eternal. The window has bars on it and looks out of an open field with no discernable landmarks.

I sit on the bed, my knees folded to my chest and try the mind link over and over again.

The door handle wiggles and I'm filled with dread.

Ben walks in and my dread turns to anger. Elijah took him in, fed him, sheltered him and trained him. All the while he was betraying him.

"Oh, come on, don't look at me like that," he feigns a sad pout.

"What did you inject my Aunt and Cole with? Are they ok?"

"Yes, they're fine. It was the same thing we injected you with. Don't remember much about your little trip do you?" He chuckles, "fuck my dad was mad about that. I wasn't supposed to drug you but I panicked when you started linking."

"How long have I been here?"

"Three days."

Shit. I'm sure Elijah is going out of his mind.

"Are you going to send the message to the council?"

"Yes," I figure thats the only answer that buys me enough time to get out of here.

"Good, that's what I hoped you would choose..."

He's still talking but I'm not listening. My mind races, I hear Elijah but he's fuzzy and distorted. I try to act like nothing is happening so he won't be suspicious but it's hard when a choppy voice is ringing in your head.

Elijah must feel that the link is opening up because he keeps trying.

I can't think straight so I decide to cough. I start choking and hacking and gasping for air.

He jumps up and yells out the door for someone to bring water.

"I'm sorry," I gasp, "I feel really sick suddenly," I cover my mouth with my hand and gag into it.

"Fuck!" He jumps up and runs out of the room.

I close my eyes and focus hard.


He responds but I can't understand him.

"I hope you hear this. They're drugging me to block the link. I'm sure they'll do it again. I'm not hurt. They have me locked in a room. I can see outside but there isn't anything around, its flat open fields. I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I love you, I'm coming for you, baby" his voice comes through clearer and I sob.

"Elijah... it's the rogue that manipulated your..."

The door opens, interrupting me. Ben and Michael rush in.

"Tell me I misheard that," his voice growls through the link and I know Michael is onto me.

"She's fucking mind linking! Knock her out."

Ben rushes forward and raises his fist in the air.

"I love you, I lov..." a sharp crack to my face knocks me backwards and everything goes black.


"I want you to give Michael a message from me, my love."

I let out a heavy sigh of relief at the sound of her voice.

"Tell him I have watched him all these years and I have only allowed him to continue because I don't interfere directly with my children. I allow you to make what mistakes you will but beware, I am losing my patience."

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