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Song - Yellow by Coldplay




Consciousness comes back slowly. When my eyes are finally open I'm in a hospital room. A small smile spreads over my lips when my eyes land on him. He's pulled a chair up next to my bed, leaning forward so that his face is on my mattress. His hand is under mine, holding it gently in his.

He looks exhausted, even while he sleeps. I don't want to wake him so I sit still.

I sit, enjoying the peace while he breathes softly against my hand.

I think back over the last few days. I don't know how to tell him about the things that Michael told me, the things involving his family.

I don't want to cause him any further pain.

I have to stop myself from running my fingers through his hair. It's longer than normal. He usually keeps his hair perfectly faded on the sides. I like it a little longer on the sides.

My chest starts to ache and I want to ask for something for the pain.

I decided to hold out for fifteen minutes, I don't know when he fell asleep but this will give him an hour since I woke up.

I curl my toes and try to breathe quietly through the pain. My chest burns, I remember the feeling of being flayed open and all the blood. I wonder how bad the damage is.

The nurse call button is over the rail on my bed. If I stretch slightly I think I can reach it.

I reach my hand over and a whimper slips past my lips.

Elijah shoots up.

"Sorsha! What's wrong, baby? What do you need?"

Tears burn in my eyes.

"My chest hurts," I whisper.

He runs to the door and flings it open roughly.

"I need a nurse now! She's in pain, somebody bring some fucking medicine!" His voice booms through the quiet hospital. He's using his Alpha voice but I recognize the frantic desperation.

"Elijah," I whisper, "I'm alright. Come sit, please."

He yanks at his hair.

"You're not alright, baby. He ripped your chest open," his voice cracks, "I need you not to be in pain."

I smile at him. I understand, if our positions were reversed I would feel the same way.

He reluctantly sits but his leg shakes anxiously until the doctor walks in.

"So good to see you awake, Luna!"

"Dr. Carver? We're at home?" I turn to Elijah.

"He had you about thirty minutes from here," he tells me and my mind is blown. I felt so far away while I was with him.

"I'm going to put some pain relief in your i.v, and then I'm going to change your bandages. You had two very large lacerations to your chest. Luckily, it looks like he missed you with all of his claws, otherwise you might not have made it. You also have bruising to your face and several fractured ribs. You're going to be sore for a while but you will recover fully with time and rest."

"It would be pretty cool to have wolf healing right about now," I smile at Elijah but he doesn't break from his misery.

"It's not funny, Sorsha, don't joke about it. You're hurt."

Fix You: Luna's Curse | 18+Where stories live. Discover now