Epilogue - Simple Song

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Song - Simple Song by The Shins

I jolt upright in bed. It's five a.m. I'm disoriented. How is it five already? It's been six hours!

I roll over in bed and realize that Elijah isn't next to me. A smile and quickly get out of bed. I creep down the hall and quietly peek into the nursery.

Elijah is sprawled across the recliner with our tiny son on his chest.

I haven't had six consecutive hours of sleep in the eight weeks since he was born. I slip into the room, careful not to wake them.

My heart swells in my chest. Our son has no idea the jackpot he's hit. Since the moment he was placed in his fathers waiting arms he's been the top priority over all else.

It makes me emotional to know how loved he is, how huge his family and support system really is. The whole pack loves him. Elijah is the opposite of what I know a father to be. He is attentive and involved, the pride and love that flows through him when he looks at his son overwhelms me.

We named him after Elijah's dad, the man that taught him to be a father.

I look at his tiny face, his head full of dark, soft hair, his tiny hand wrapped around one of Elijah's large fingers. He is more than I could have dreamed up.

Even at eight weeks old he's the spitting image of his father. Affectionately known around the pack as Alpha Junior.

I feel energy that I'm not used to feeling. The extra sleep really makes a difference.

I creep out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

I get lost in my task when I feel a large hand on my waist. When I turn Elijah is holding Jack in one arm, his big green eyes are wide open.

"It smells amazing down here," Elijah's raspy tired voice sends chills down my spine.

"I had so much energy after getting all that extra sleep," I smile up at him.

"I was surprised that you didn't beat me to it. I've been trying to do this for weeks but you wake up so quick I don't even hear him and you're already down the hall."

I set his plate in front of him. A loaded meat and cheese omelet with crispy hashbrowns.

"Thank you," he leans down and kisses my forehead, "this looks delicious."

"I can take him so you can eat."

"No, no, I got him," he looks down at our son and smiles.

I hop up into the stool next to them and sip my coffee.

"I have a meeting today but I made it a teleconference so I can do it from the home office."

"Is this the warrior training thing?"

"Yeah," he sighs, "the council wants us to add four more level one courses per year. We're going to need to add onto the dormitories for visiting trainees and we'll need to bring on at least two new trainers."

I'm proud of him. He has really turned the program into an internationally recognized and successful organization. A spot in one of his training courses is highly coveted.

Since the numbers of fully trained, competent warriors is at an all time high, rogue attacks are at an all time low.

Our entire community is becoming a safer place for our son to grow up because of Elijah's dedication and hard work.

He squeezes my hand, "why don't you go take a relaxing bath then try to nap. I'll bring him to you when I have to start the meeting."

"Are you sure you don't want to take a nap before the meeting?"

"I'm sure, go ahead," he swats my ass before going to make a bottle.

By the time I crawl into bed I feel completely ready for this nap. As soon as my head hits the pillow I feel the familiar feeling of leaving my body.

"Hello, my darling."

"Hello, Goddess."

"There isn't much time, I'm afraid this is dire.

There is a group within the council that disagrees with the rest on how to handle recent vampire hostilities. A pack in California is fighting for land rights with the vampire king. In closed meetings the council decided to keep the relative peace between species by allowing the vampire royal family to continue to inhabit the land. A small group within the council is helping the pack to plan an attack, believing the land belongs to wolves. Your daughter's destiny hangs in the balance. This group must be stopped."

"To whom do I deliver the message? Is my usual point of contact a reliable source in this case?"

"Yes, go!"

I sit straight up in bed. She has never been this rushed before. I jump up and run down the hall to Elijah's home office. He can feel my panic through the bond because I hear him coming.

He comes in quietly as the line rings. His eyebrows are furrowed in concern.

"Council president, Alpha Rhys speaking,"his always grumpy voice comes through the line.

"Alpha, it's Sorsha. I just received an urgent message from the Goddess!"

I relay the message details and watch Elijah's face turn from worried to surprised to worried again.

"I know exactly who is behind this!" Alpha Rhys growls angrily, "thank you for the message, goodbye Luna Sorsha."

When the line goes dead I run my hands over my face.

"The Goddess said that our daughter's fate hangs in the balance. Whatever the outcome of this situation will determine what happens to her."

Elijah stands from his seat and walks toward me.

"You did everything you could do, baby. I know it's hard but try not to worry. We can't do anything else."

He lifts me into his arms and brings his lips to mine. I feel the tension in my shoulders roll away.

"I love you, Elijah."

"I love you, baby."

Authors Note: 1 Bonus chapter to go! Be sure to FOLLOW me if you'd like to see me write more stories like this or just to show some support - I appreciate you! 😘


Join me on Patreon to read 5 completedThe Playlist books

Book 0: The Mark of the Damned (origin story)

✅Book 1: Fix You (Sorsha & Elijah)

✅Book 2: Beloved (Bea & Leo)

✅Book 3: Cherry (Aiden & Cassidy)

✅Book 4: A Warriors Heart (Cole)

⏳Book 5: Sons of Sorsha (ongoing on Patreon)

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