1. just a normal day.

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tw: swearing, implied ED?! panic attack, bad thoughts, mention of r@pe?


i'm writing thid in my lap top so bare with me here- you might be asking "but Snowy what's so bad about a lap top?" I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO USE THIS SHIT AND IT DOESN'T HAVE FUCKING AUTO-CORECT. T^T


So I'm friends with ranboo on spotify and he was playing the FRUITYEST of love songs. 

Ranboo's POV 

It's last day of school. Last day of high school. Graduation yesterday was great but we have one more day, well this day is mostly just for fun and- oh Tubbo! He just got out of his parents car and was walking towards me "Hi Tubbo!" I said as I hugged him but he let out a little wine so immediately let go "I'm sorry! Are you ok?!" I asked really worried "Yeah I'm fine... Let's just go..." he said smiling then walked towards the school, this isn't the first time he's done this... I have asked him about it but he never gives me an actual answer.

We walked to the cafeteria where everyone was doing arts and crafts and we sat on a table "So what do you wanna make?" I asked turning to look at Tubbo "A minecraft bee!" he said as he threw his ams in the air smiling "Ok, I wanna make an enderman"  I said then I got out of my seat to go and get our materials.

Time skip one hour later :P (after they finished making their stuff)

Tubbo has been acting strange lately... Like he talks less, avoids physical contact and has been generally in a bad mood...

He finished making his bee before me so I asked him if he wanted to make something else and he just responded with a simple "No" before he just sat there zoning out with a sad expression on his face...

"Hey Tubbo, what's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder, which he immediately flinched to "eep-!" so I took it off "I'm sorry!" I apologized before he cut me off by saying "I- Boo it's fine. I think I might be sick, I'm gonna go to the bathroom..." he said as he speed walked his way out of the cafeteria.

Did I do something wrong...?

Tubbo's POV

i put my hand over my mouth as i ran to the nearest bathroom... I had to throw up.

I opened the bathroom stall and closed it behind me and immediately threw up. I made a mistake for thinking about yesterday's events....my father did it again..(you can guess what that is by the TW) All because he found me texting Ranboo again.

Stop doing that.

Be more careful.

Why do you have to be like this.

Stop feeling this way.

Why can't you just be normal.

It's your fault.

It is.

You know it is.

You can't deny it.

You probably made Boo worried now.

Good fucking job.



You deserved that.

You should just end it all.

My breathing was really fast and uneven, I couldn't see shit with my eyes basically turning into a fucking waterfall. I was hugging myself so tight and-

Knock knock

"Hello? Tubs?" I head Ranboo say from the other side of the locked door, I learned how to cry quietly as I grew so I hope he didn't hear me.. My breathing still isn't even so.. "Yeah? Ranboo.. Can you wait for me outside the bathroom, please?" I asked trying to hide the pain in my voice "Yes of course, are you ok tho?" he aksed sounding really worried "Mhm!" I hummed back trying to even my breathing as quietly as possible... "Ok..." that's what he said as I head his footsteps leave the bathroom.

Come on, always remember a deep breath in.... Andd out. And again. And again.

I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my sweater, got up and flushed the toilet, unlocked the door and exited.

I looked myself in the mirror, I look like absolute shit.  what the fuck-


"I'm coming!"

I got out and he gave me a big hug and asked for the probebly the millionth time "Tubbo, please tell me what's wrong I know something is going on. Come on please, I just want to help..." he said as he kept both of his hands on my shoulders "It's nothing, I told you" I put on my usual fake smile and continued "Was just a little sick..probably from something I ate yesterday..."

In fact I haven't ate anything yesterday.

Time skip

We were now hanging with some friends after I tried to convince him that everything is ok. I'm honestly surprised he still buys this stupid act.

I was just standing there when Ranboo pulled on my sleeve and gave me a note that said "⟟ ⋏⟒⟒⎅ ⏁⍜ ⏁⏃⌰☍ ⏁⍜ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏃⎎⏁⟒⍀ ⌇☊⊑⍜⍜⌰."(I need to talk to you after school.)


Chapter idea by: Snowy
Chapter written by: Snowy
Chapter edited by: Dawn


I hate life. :)

Also if everyone who read this chapter followed us we would be famous. FOLLOW-


before yall ask why in all our story's there is some form of sexual assault me and snowy have both been raped and it's sorta our way of coping its like putting all our truma onto someone else and having someone to relate to

Ur gay.
(Don't you guys dare baby me. -Snowy)

916 words

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