2. ''⟟ ⎎⎍☊☍⟟⋏☌ ⌰⍜⎐⟒ ⊬⍜⎍.''

264 18 35


tw: swearing, crying, (a lot of) angst


i'm hot.


UR MOTHERFUCKI BY GAY HQHA also what if got what aberham licons hat but the hat is being controlled by a insane bunny in a maid outfit?

(wtf -Snowy)
(Wut - Madam Dawn)

3rd person POV

It was the end of the school day, Tubbo and Ranboo were standing infront of the classroom they have just left. Tubbo was still wondering what the note was about, so he asked ''Ranboo, what did you want to talk about?'' Ranboo looked at him with a sad smile and said ''Do you...do you wanna go the school garden's gazebo to talk about it?'' he asked as he pointed to the door that leads to the garden

"I- sure?" Tubbo answered still unsure about what the fuck this is all about. But he followed Ranboo to the garden, as soon as they opened the door they were met with the deafening sound of rain dropes hiting the grass below, "Oh shit, I forgot it was raining- fuuck!! Ranboo, I didn't bring an umbrella" Tubbo wined, (ignore the fact that i had to google "how to spell umbrela" 2 times. -Snowy) (PPFT SNOWYS ON HER DAWN ACR - Madam Dawn) "It's fine, I did." said Ranboo as he steped into the rain and opened his white and black umbrella.

'that bastard is always staying on brand i see'

Tubbo smiled at his thought then stepped next to Ranboo under his umbrella, they walked towards the gazebo wich was 10 feet away from the garden entrance in a comfortable silence between the two.

They entered the gazebo and Ranboo closed his umbrella then turned around to lock eyes with a very cold and confused Tubbo, Ranboo opened his mouth to speak but... Nothing came out.. "Ranboo. What's this shit all about?? This seems important...." Ranboo looked down at the ground and took a deep breath then said in a sad Voice "I.. I don't know how to tell you this.." he said as he looked with tears starting to gather in his eyes. "just spit it out it can't be that bad" commented Tubbo on Ranboo's nervousness. Rnaboo made eye contact with Tubbo and slowly grabbed both of his hands then said

"Tubbo, I'm going on a 1 year trip to America."

Tubbo's eyes went wide. In that moment, right then and there Tubbo's heart shattered and his brain stopped working properly..."What!? WHY??" Tubbo yelled pulling his shaking hands away from Ranboo's and taking a step back. "I- my- my father is forcing me to go there because of some volleyball competition!" he said with a bit of anger in his voice. "And you just agreed to go...? To leave me..." Tubbo asked frowning and looking down at his feet, "Of course not Tubbo. I would never willingly leave you..." (Awww snowyy - Madam Dawn) Ranboo said, tears running down his face. "No. You can't just leave.." Tubbo said smiling while holding his head "I'm afraid I have to-" Ranboo didn't get to finish because Tubbo spoke again. "W-we can just run away! Yeah?! You know? Ju-just go to in the woods and never come back...?" his voice got quiter and quiter..."Tubbo..." Ranboo took two steps forward and gently grabbed Tubbo's chin wich made Ranboo look into Tubbo's broken eyes...."I'm really really sorry..."he kissed the smaller's fourhead and they hugged and cryed into each other's shoulders for a good while... (suffer. -Snowy) (Hehehe - Madam Dawn) When they finally calmed down Ranboo pulled away and took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time '4:06pm'. "'sniff' what is it..?" Tubbo asked "I have to go.." Ranboo said putting his phone back. Tubbo didn't say anything.. Ranboo took off his blazer and gently put it on Tubbo's shoulders and wiped the remaining tears on his face, he picked up his umbrella and was about to leave when Tubbo roughly grabbed his wrist "Wait! I-" Ranboo turned to look at him again "What?


Nothing. Just silence.

"Tubbo I need to go-" Ranboo said as he took his hand back. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU A$$HOLE!" Tubbo yelled starting to tear up again. Ranboo's eyes went wide with surprise and didn't say anything... "Oh- I'm sorry-! I'm really sorry!" Tubbo apologised and covered his face with his hands as he started to back away in embarrassment. "Tub- Tubbo! I- I LOVE YOU TOO!" Ranboo quickly dropped his umbrella once again and picked up Tubbo and spinned him around in a hug, Tubbo was suprised at first but hugged him back in no time. Both of them giggling... (Yes I know I'm bad at this. thanks for noticing. -Snowy)

After a few seconds both of them had to let go to get "So...what does this make us?" Tubbo asked as Ranboo put him down "Tubbo.. I'm gonna leave and we won't have much contact anymore, I don't think.. This is gonna work.. " Ranboo said still holding Tubbo's hands "Yeah.. You're probably right.." Tubbo looked Ranboo dead in the eyes and asked "I'll wait for you. Go live your dream. When are you coming back?" Ranboo smiled at Tubbo's response and answered "Thank you so much for understanding. I'll be back in a year sadly... But we'll have some contact right?" Ranboo asked "YES OF COURSE DUMBASS!!" Tubbo put his hands on his hips.

They stood in silence for a sec just looking at each others eyes, "may I..?" asked Ranboo getting closer to Tubbo's face. Tubbo wasted no time and immediately closed the gap between them, it was a short, innocent and soft kiss they shared. They smiled at each other and Ranboo asked "Do you wanna go home with me and help me pack?" Tubbo looked at him then answered "Yes. I wanna spend as much time as I can. "

They turned around to leave then they noticed that it had stopped raining. They walked back to Ranboo's house holding hands under the orange sky....


Chapter idea by: Snowy
Chapter written by: Snowy
Chapter edited by: Dawn


Dawn wanted this to be some "American romantic shit" but I was like "nah fuck you were going Japanese style bitsh. " and that's how i came up with this bullshit- (NOO WE HAVE TO DO THE AMERICAN SCENE IN EVERY GODAMM MOVIE. ISTG. I WILL HAVE THE TRAIN SCENE EVEN IF I HAVE TO WRITE IT MYSELF. - Madam Dawn)



1094 words

I Will Be Back. || Tubbo X Ranboo ||Where stories live. Discover now