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Snowy here!

Ranboo has lesbian moms in this story.
Why? because we said so. here's some info about them.

Name: Rexa
Age: 39
Hair colour: silver
original hair colour: blond
Eye colour: green
Hight: 6'2
Favourite colour: green
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Hobbies: playing the piano, painting (likes painting nature)
Random stuff:
-Dresses like your local mushroom enjoyer
-definitely was a book worm in high school
-has a pixie cut
-dog person

Name: Alex
Age: 38
Hair colour: dark brown with light purple highlights
Eye colour: grey
Hight: 6'1
Favourite colour: purple
Gender: trans woman (mtf)
Sexuality: lesbian
Pronouns: she/them
Hobbies: cooking, gardening
-likes black clothing
-has long wavy hair
-makes the best sweets

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