Chapter 7: The War Plan

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A few weeks had now passed, after Nawaki death and currently right now, Yato is at a council war meeting as he was sitting next to Tsunade.

While reading a book as Yato was called back to this meeting, which had annoyed him a great deal as he doesn't like being in long meetings.

Yato had closed his book the moment Tsunade decided to speak as he wanted to hear what his girlfreind had to say.

"I would like to make a proposition" Tsunade said as she had the attention of everyone in the room on her now.

"What is your proposition Tsunade?" Hiruzen asked Tsunade.

"I propose that we have a medical ninja on a three man team it will increase, the chances of our ninja returning" Tsunade said.

Yato had began thinking and pulled out a notebook and pen then began, thinking and doing the numbers about how much money it would take.

"I agree with you, Tsunade but we do not have a the resources for this medical unit" Hiruzen said. Yato had then decided to speak up and reveal the numbers and amount it would coast and it only took eight seconds to do.

"The amount that we are going to need would be four hundred million ryo" Yato said as he had walked to the front.

Yato had then teleported in a crimson flash and after a few more seconds he, had returned in a crimson Flash. As he had brought five carts full of cash he had then looked at Hiruzen and the other elders.

Even though Yato doesn't like using the Flying Raijin, it still comes in handy from time to time so he uses it once and a while, just to get to places faster and easier for him.

"Right here is over, six hundred million ryo, more then we need. So now please do me a favor and get Tsunade her damn medical squad and use the rest to help keep our village safe" Yato said.

"Wait Yato, where did you get all of this money?" Hiruzen asked Yato as the young Uchiha man looked back with having, a cat like smile on his face.

"Well all the money I make from my missions I gambled with it and unlike, Tsunade I always win besides that's just a little small percent of the money I have" Yato said with a grin on his face.

Which bring up the question and everybody's mind in the room and that question is how much money does, Yato have in total.

Yato had then put up the peace sign "alright, peace out you guy's I am gonna go and get some sweet dango" he said as he had left.

As Yato had then left the war room and went to the sweet dango shop which was his, favorite sweet and it's kind of the only place that he could relax at since he knew the owner.

(Timeskip with chibi Yato walking to dango shop)

Later on Yato had arraived at the sweet dango shop and he had actually orders two plates of sweet dango shop.

As Yato had already predicted that someone was gonna sit next to him. Which he had watched as the sweet dango plate's was placed down in front of him at which Tsunade had arrived just as he predicted.

"Hey there darling" Tsunade said as she had then sat down next to Yato as he had took a bite of his sweet dango.

Tsunade had then noticed, the second plate of sweet dango right next to Yato which she had looked over at him as he had a smile on his face.

"Darling did you know I was coming?" Tsunade asked Yato as he just chuckled as she had sat down next to the young Uchiha man.

As the two had began eating the sweet dango but Yato, would only eat some once in a while as he usually would cook for himself and Tsunade. After the days passed since, Nawaki death he had managed to help get out of her depression of her little brother death.

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