Chapter 33: A Wooden Morning(Lemon)

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Yato now was sitting down onto of a knocked out sumo guard and like usually surrounded by many knocked out men both rouge ninja and people seeking their money.

'I really should just start paying ahead of time when going to some casinos so atleast the guards don't keep coming' Yato thought to himself as he had picked up a nearby rock.

Then he threw the rock into the forest which had then hit the head of a rouge ninja that was hiding in a forest.

Yato had watched as the rouge ninja had fallen down from the tree knocked out by the rock that was thrown at him.

Yato then stood up as he looked up at the sky and had then sighed as he closed his book that he had gotten which contained all of the volumes, collection of stories and poems that he has.

This was a gift from Tsunade who had gotten it for his birthday which he loved as Yato would usually do nothing for his birthday.

Yet still even now Tsunade still manages to suprise him.

"We'll I geuss I'm off see you guys later" Yato said as he had began walking off leaving the group of men to groan out in pain from their wounds.

While walking Yato had felt a gust of wind pass and he simply took it in as he continued walking down the path back to his hotel.

As Yato let out a yawn as he was a bit tired and he decided to take a quick nap when he gets back to the hotel since he also decided to go and tour the town together.

Still he has been up and fighting of that of many rouge ninja and guards so Yato decided that he would take a good long nap.


In the morning Tsunade had woken up and felt a familiar pair of arms on her waist.

Tsunade had opened her eyes and looked to the side and saw Yato with his arms wrapped around her waist.

Usually Yato would be up by now but he is still asleep which is rare as he usually would be up by now but he seems to have decided to sleep in longer.

As Tsunade turned to the side and felt something very familiar poke her on her leg and she looked up to see that the covers were standing up underneath Yato.

Tsunade had just blushed as she had then moved her hands towards the covers and then moved them to the side showing what was underneath the covers.

As Tsunade had let out a small gasp and saw that Yato had morning would and saw how it was standing high at attention.

With Tsunade blushing like a red tomato as she had reached down to Yato pants which had something throbbing in the middle between his legs.

Tsunade had then gotten on top of Yato having her plump butt in front of his face as the blonde haired woman looked behind to see her lover was still asleep.

Tsunade then gotten down to her lover waist and had then removed both his short pants and boxers at which then in the blink of an eye she was then slapped by Yato manhood.

This suprised Tsunade as she was now blushing like crazy as her lover manhood was throbbing and very long letting off that of a very strong familiar odor to her that she very well knows of.

As this odor belonged to Yato manhood that she has grew to remember and she had then felt as some heat was coming off of her lover manhood.

Tsunade had blushed as she had looked at the manhood that belonged to her lover.

'Is it just me or did he get bigger?' Tsunade asked herself as she turned her head to see if Yato was still asleep.

'Alright then I gessu he wouldn't mind this in the morning' Tsunade said as she had then placed her hand on Yato manhood and began stroking it.

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