The end.

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  Ghostbur excitedly knocked on his boyfriend's door. It was his birthday and he always love spending it with Revivedbur. Without him he would of still been in the dark, lonely, and scary limbo. He luckily convinced Dream to let Ghostbur come too. He was so grateful for him, but that wasn't why he loved that man. He doesn't know how to explain it but all he knows is that he loves Revivedbur for many reasons.

   The funny thing is, Ghostbur couldn't even remember some of the memories of Rev and him. It didn't make sense though, since, he did forget things but only bad memories. How could someone he love be a bad memory?

  Rev answered the door, he was wearing casual clothing and looked like he just woke up. He usually was ready and full of energy.
"Oh. What do you want?"

Ghostbur frowned a bit, not even an hello?

"What do you mean, "What do I want?""

"I mean what are you doing here. It's super early."

  Ghostbur raised an eyebrow, "No, it's not early for you... You are always awake at this on this specific day."

"What? What could be so important that I- Oh."

Ghostbur smiled, he remembered!

"Oh. Oh god I'm sorry. Come in."

  Revivedbur wasn't really sorry, he didn't care about his birthday. He felt guilty about this though but he wasn't sorry. Why would he feel sorry for a stupid ghost.

"It's ok! Just spending time with you is enough!" Ghostbur said giggling and walking in.

  Rev rolled his eyes. He much rather be with someone else right now. He felt Ghostbur hug him and he quickly pushed him away.

"Can you not? I'm cold. Did you forget you're a ghost and ghosts are cold."

"I'm sorry... I forgot."

  "You always forget everything, try to remember something for once. Sally didn't forget everything maybe try to be more like her."

Rev looked at Ghostbur's eyes. He was about to cry. Why is he dating such a stupid crybaby?

"Stop crying."

"I'm sorry."

  Revivedbur went to his room and closed his door leaving Ghostbur alone in the living room.

  Ghostbur was about to cry but he didn't want to make Revivedbur sad by crying. He knows Revivedbur cares about him he just had a hard time showing emotions! Yeah! He will prove it to himself!

Ghostbur opened Revivedbur bedroom door, "Hey Ba-"

Rev looked at Ghostbur, "Get out!"

"Wha- but.."

"I said get out!"

"What is with you today...You didn't even say happy birthday to me."

"Because I don't care." Revivedbur walked towards Ghostbur and pushed him out of his room. "Sometimes I wish I let you stay in the Limbo."

  Revivedbur closed his room door. That was it. Ghostbur just started crying. If it really made Revivedbur happier he would go back to Limbo. He only came because of Rev anyways but he didn't care anymore. So he will just go back because what is he without the alive version of himself? He won't remember all of this anyways. He will forget that any of this happened and he can be happy again! Plus, he seem to only love Sally. Rev only loves Sally. Ghostbur should to since he was her lover too. Revivedbur and Ghostbur weren't meant to be and Ghostbur had to accept that. Revivedbur didn't love him anymore.

  How could Ghostbur accept that though? If his whole life depended on Revivedbur. The only person who could give him comfort. He hates himself for being so depending on a person who was just gonna leave him in the end. Ghostbur was so happy with him though, he was so sure it wouldn't end and it would be a long lasting relationship.

  He heard Rev's door open and Ghostbur gasped, "I'm sorry! I'll leave now." Ghostbur ran to the front door and left the house.

  Revivedbur would usually feel bad but. He doesn't love Ghostbur. He was gonna admit he was a little too harsh on the Ghost but he was gonna forget anyways it doesn't matter. All he could think at everything Ghostbur did was, "Sally wouldn't do that." "Sally wouldn't act like that." "Sally was better at this." He knew if he stayed with him it was gonna hurt both of them more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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