powered up scuba gear

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Percival was still guarding the pj crystal and the pj crystal.

Greg:hey percival I bet you can't get us!as gekko stick his tongue at him as percival got angry and swam towards him and amaya as they dodged him and swam towards the pj crystal.

Greg:which this scuba gear would go faster he's on our tail!as percival was catching up to them.

Amaya:almost there!as they were swimming really really fast as they can.

Amaya and greg were at the pj crystal and they touch it with their hands.

Amaya:pj crystal we'll help you get back to HQ but can you please power up our scuba gear.as the pj crystal started to glow as they started to glow.

Percival:*blabber*(hey stop that!)!as he was swimming towards greg as greg dodged it really fast.

Greg:cool the pj crystal just powered up our scuba gear!

Amaya:yeah let's take it and our pj pets back to HQ.as they heard catboy screaming.

Greg:amaya I'll go save catboy you go take the pj crystal and pj pets back to HQ.as she nodded.

Greg:SUPER..umm..scuba swim?...as he didn't know what to called his powered up scuba powers as he started to swim really fast.

Greg:cool...as he liked the scuba powers as he seen octobella who was holding connor hy his leg.

Octobella:one pj caught now I just need two.as gekko swooped in and got connor and swim right back.

Connor:cya later octobella!as he chuckled.

Octobella:how is that lizard swimming really fast..ugh never mind I can catch up with them with my...SUPER OCTOPUS SPEED!!!as she started to swin after them.

Connor:greg how are you swimming really fast.

Greg:pj crystal powered up me and amaya's scuba gear.c

Connor:oh...can you swim faster octobella is catching up to us!as they look behind them and seen octobella catching up to them.

Greg:SUPER SUPER SCUBA SWIMMING!!!as he tried to swim really really fast.

Octobella:I know what can stop you...CRYSTAL CURRENT!!!as she aimed it at them as they started to spin and land on the ground dizzy.

Octobella:finally got you two especially you green guy now your gonna be mine prisoners inside my garden.as she started to swim right towards.

Amaya:gotcha!as she got both of them and swim away.

Connor:amaya you saved us what about the pj crystal and pj pets?

Amaya:don't worry their on the bridge

Greg:wait what about percival?

Amaya:don't worry I took care of him.as they swim past percival tied up in seaweed.

Amaya:anyways let's go!as they started to swim up to the bridge.

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