powers back(final)

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Octobella:hey what happened to my powers!as she was trying to fly but couldn't as she seen HQ glowing.

Catboy:well your "powers" now belonged to the rightful owners.as the pj masks came out of HQ with their powers back.

Octobella:give me back my crystal.

Gekko:it was never your crystal to begin with...LIZARD TAIL SWIPE!!!as he  swiped octobella back into the moat.

Octobella:you know what keep that pj crystal I don't need it anyways I got better crystals than that dumb one!as she left.

Gekko:hey guys sorry that I accidentally tild octobella about the pj crystal.

Owlette:its ok it could have happened to anyone.

Catboy:and plus we have powered up scuba gear we can use it when we lost our powers again and we have to do a mission underwater.

Gekko:and thank you pj pets for helping us and sorry for getting you three captured.as the pj pets forgave then as they snuggled with them.



*with octobella*

Octobella was just swimming around in the moat trying to find percival.

Octobella:percival percival where are you shrimpy!as she was calling him as she heard something in the seaweed.

She started to go in the seaweed and seen percival tied up in it.

Octobella:their you are what happened?as she untied him.

Percival:*blabber*(one of the pj pest tied me up.).

Octobella:of course let's go back to the garden to look what's the most powerful crystal we got their and to give you some snuggles.as she hugged percival as she and him started to swim back to the garden.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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