You can't remember, can you?

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Most of the people on earth treasure their grandfathers a lot, some to the point till they are more loyal to them then to their parents. Well, Gion can't say the same. Rather than a guardian angel, Grandfather was a person that haunted his dreams. Even looking at a picture of Grandfather would send shivers down his spine. It was instinct at work, after all.

Gion was surrounded in pitch black, an empty abyss before him. 'Not again...' he thought. Having this dream was like a daily routine to him, something that was unavoidable. He tried to move, at least get a limb to wake himself up from this.

But just like the other nights, his efforts were to no avail.

Soon, the black screen faded away, and he found himself in that horrible memory - the one where Grandfather took the cat. It wasn't the cat being taken away that was the scary part, though. Gion was scared of how Grandfather saw the world, and how he wanted to force that impression into Gion.


Fear was a feeling that Gion wanted to bury deep within his mind, something he never wanted to feel. To him, it was a shame.

He hated shame as well.

Before he knew it, tears from his eyes were already rolling down his younger self's cheeks. Half of him wanted to wake up, but the other half of him just wanted to tell him that it was alright.

Even though, he knew, it wasn't.

But that was his life, wasn't it?

A loud shriek resounded out of nowhere, piercing the air and his ears. Gion, in his already panicked state, became even more confused. His vision was covered with black spots that grew with every second, before the sight before him was just... Gone .

Before he knew it, he had regained control of himself, and opened his eyes just as he was about to fall to the floor from his bed.

Now, the loud screeching of his alarm clock wasn't as loud at before, but that didn't mean it got any more tolerable.

Gion groaned, rubbing his head as he picked himself up from the floor. Through gritted teeth, he cursed softly. He knew it was just a dream, so why was he so freaked out? Why was he so panicked?

Why was he so scared?

He focused his eyes on the annoying alarm clock, and waited for the morning bleary vision to wear of before he pressed the snooze button.

Now it was time for the second part of his daily routine.

"Good morning, Prince Gion." Those were the first words he heard when he walked into the kitchen fully dressed. " Good morning." He didn't need to look to know who it was.

Gion took a seat at the dining table a distance away from Shintarou, and faced the one who greeted him earlier.

Livio neared him with a gentle smile, carrying a tray towards him. Gion couldn't help but notice that Livio's eyes were of the same colour as his- a radiant, bright shade of sky blue. Livio wore his usual uniform, the one where the jacket had no sleeves, exposing the long sleeve of his shirt.  Judging, or rather just noticing his appearance was supposedly another part of his daily routine.

Gion sipped his morning coffee. Despite telling Alex and co about not drinking coffee, he realized he couldn't live without it unless he wanted to fall asleep before dinner was even served.

"Hi, Gion." A simple greeting given by Shintarou. His blueish, dark hair shined in the face of the sunlight from the open window. "Hello." was Gion's simple reply.

However, it was not long before Gion noticed something odd happening between Livio and Shintarou. Although both tried not to make it obvious, they were glancing at Gion every now and then, and he could feel himself tensing up. That... Was just weird.

"If you have anything to tell me, you might as well tell me now instead of looking at me like that." He said, " your both creeping me out." Shintarou let out a surprised Yelp, but Livio was better at hiding emotions.

" Do you..." Livio seemed to hesitate. "Do you remember...?

"Remember what?" Gion asked.

Livio casted a glance at Shintarou, and Shintarou got the hint.

" Last night... You, erm..." Shintarou continued. Unfortunately, he was also reluctant to tell Gion judging by the looks of it.

"I what?" Gion was already getting annoyed. He had a very bad temper.

Shintarou had to force the words out.

" Remember last night when we went outside to eat?"

"I... Guess..." Gion recalled the small cafe they went to.

"You fell asleep in the taxi on the way back here during a traffic jam. When we reached the dorms, you wouldn't wake up, no matter how much we tried to wake you. We thought you wouldn't wake up in the morning..."

Gion let out a small sigh. The way Livio and Shintarou were acting made him think that they had something worse to tell him.

"Why bother telling me? I forgot about this anyway."

Shintarou and Livio both started to relax a bit upon hearing that. Quietly, they continued the silent breakfast they were in the midst of.

Until a thought hit Gion.

"Wait a minute... If I was asleep the whole time, how did I get into the dorm building from the taxi?"

The silence that followed was so quiet that you could hear Shintarou's fork slide out of his hand and fall onto the carpeted floor.

"Oh no, you did not do what I think you did-"

"I had no choice!" Protested Livio, "B-besides, it was late at night, so no one saw!"

Gion cringed at the thought of Livio carrying him bridal- style. However, the thought that no one saw them was comforting.

"By no one, you mean Alex and the princ-" Shintarou covered his mouth to stop himself but it was too late.

Gion processed the information.

Alex and the princes saw him being carried bridal- style by Livio. Asleep.

How had he not noticed that he changed out of the clothes he wore to dinner yesterday in the first place?! HOW?!

Gion buried his head into his arms and groaned.

Considering that Alex and co were not good keepers of secrets, and that there was a student council meeting after school, Gion could come to one conclusion.

That was going to be a long day.

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