Chapter 5- Quidditch

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Neville’s P.O.V

“Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw” I muttered under my breath while scanning my finger around the parchment looking for the names of the new Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

“Hurry up Neville!” Rose giggled next to me. She had told me to look for her because she was too nervous.

“I’m going as fast as I can!” I laughed.

Yes Ravenclaw… Keeper: Dezirae Darunoe; Seeker: Denehries Sighvon, wait’ I thought to myself realizing I should probably tell her.

“YOU GOT SEEKER!” Her face lit up beside me and I went in for a hug. I felt her arms wrap around my neck and her face nestle into my shoulder with excitement. God… Mini Mandrakes screaming in my stomach.

“How about Comet?” she quietly asked.

“Keeper” I smiled back to her.

“COMET, YOU’RE KEEPER” She screamed down the hall and then turned back to me, “I need to go and tell Luna!” She clapped her hands in excitement and I couldn’t help a wide grin approach my face at her happiness. I watched as she ran down the hall, dragging Comet behind her toward the manual door out of our dorm-building. I walked slowly down the hall, toward the main lounge area for all of us.


“Shi- Oh it’s only you” I exclaimed, startled by Draco and then realising that now I’m stuck with him… alone.

“Wait” he called as I turned around to go back to my room, “I need to talk to you about something” I caught actual sincerity in his voice for once. Well that was new… usually its arrogance and obnoxiousness but I’m fine with a change!

“About what?” I asked suspiciously. He gestured to the lounge opposite to him as if it was a long story.

“I… have a theory about that situation with Dumbledore even though we haven’t visited the Pensieve yet. Well I won’t say anything until I know for certain, but I have a feeling the result of this whole event won’t be pleasant. I have a question” I nodded to show my interest, I mean if he is making some effort, I should too right? “How much do you like Rose?”

With that question I fell back into my seat, stumped. I had never particularly thought about it. I knew I liked Rose more than a friend. I also knew she must like me back, seeing that her rose her bracelet glowed enthusiastically red.

“It’s a simple question, yet so hard to comprehend. I understand you have no word-formed answer because your actual answer is too great to form with words. If I may be so bold, I might like to sum it for you, with one word. Infinite.”I listened to Draco speak, ending with the word infinite and it struck me as perfect. That is exactly how I felt toward Rose, but I’d never thought about it because it had come completely naturally for so long. It was like a second nature. I had so much likeness toward her that I couldn’t comprehend it anymore.

“Why so deep Draco?” I chuckled saying this because Draco never acts like this.

“Dezirae” Was all he said.

“Everything you said before… was about Comet?” I smiled at his newly found emotion, “Well it’s good to know you feel Draco.” He smiled and I got up to leave.

“Wait I’m not finished yet, Now that we’re on the same level I need us to make an agreement” I nodded once more, “As I said before, I doubt this Dumbledore ‘whatever it is’ will be pleasant, I also think we may be in the middle of it. Whatever happens, are you willing to take absolute care of Rose as I will, Comet?.”

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