A student is missing

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 All people in detention were either falling asleep grading work or just sitting there in silence when they heard a loud crash they all turned around to see a doe which had fallen off a book shelf with twins under her.

"miss potter please change to your human form please."

Nova was sitting in dada where she could feel a pair of eyes on her but ignored them she sat by draco. "oi Nova the professor is staring at you." Draco didn't like it; the new professor had something off about him. Draco had noticed he stared at her in class, even in the great hall.

"He's probably just checking if I'm doing my work." Draco dropped the subject but kept catching the teacher staring at her.

it was now October specifically the 31st the day lily and james potter died for their children it hogsmeade today Nova had gotten up late and had missed the carriages she had told her friends to leave without her she walked along the path to the village when she felt cold and sad she had only felt this once before last year the coldness was getting worse the girl grabbed her wand and shouted. "expecto patronum!" and silvery blue doe shoots out the end of her wand the dementor floats off and Nova carries on her walk to the village she spots draco "dragon over here!"

Draco comes running over and looks at the girl "are you ok Nova?"

the redhead just puts her face in the crook of his neck and both wrap their arms around each other "lets go get you some chocolate Nova."

draco took the girl to honeydukes buying her all her favourite sweets they also went the three broomsticks and other shops they ended up heading back to the castle early. They split up and Nova looked for the twins she was walking around when she remembered the map was in her pocket.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." she muttered her wand tapping the map she had yet to notice the person behind her. "I believe that I miss potter!" a voice said behind her she jumped. "shit!" the girl hid the map behind her back "fuck i mean sorry." "That's alright Miss Potter though do watch your language."

"sorry new fessor but i need to go gotta meet up with eh someone." the girl walked of and the professor frowned he wanted to have on conversation alone with his goddaughter but somebody was always there whether it be professor McGonagall or snape or a student but he could never talk to her alone he felt he had failed his friends he wasn't even able to care for Nova she always got out of his grasp.

Nova headed to the common room which was empty as it was nearly time for the feast she had lost sleep with pranking homework ron and hermiones constant fighting over a rat lily figured she could get some sleep in before the feast which was in about half an hour.

Sirius black tried to break into the gryffindor common room everyone was in the great hall talking about it sleeping bags all over the floor while everyone talked harry potter and all the weasleys plus hermione looked for the missing potter girl she should of been in the hall but had been missing since the hogsmeade trip everyone had assumed she was with the other person.

Hermione went past the slytherins when draco malfoy spoke up "what are you doing here mudblood?" Hermione would have normally ignored him but knew he and Nova were friends. "Nova is missing, we can't find her."

Draco's throat went dry he felt as if he couldn't breathe; he knew sirius Black was after Harry he could only assume he would go after Nova Draco tried to keep his calm façade but Hermione could see his fear. theo and blaise shared a look of fear.

"Have you told a professor?" he hissed, putting usual his façade back on. "no i-" the slytherin boy cut her off. "Of course you haven't, since you Gryffindor's are too arrogant to realize what to do."

draco stormed over to professor snape who was by lupin and McGonagall "what is it mister malfoy?" Snape drew out. "Nova is missing, no one can find her." his voice had cracked getting that sentence out.

The three professors froze; they rushed out the hall leaving Draco behind.

"We need to alert the head master." the head master was found exiting his office "minerva shouldn't you be checking the students?"

"A student is missing Albus."

Harry potters sister - Nova PotterWhere stories live. Discover now