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Yui Yasuda was never very interested in the 'real' world.

The 'real' world was boring, when hers was not.

The 'real' world was her mom wanting her to study and read books, when hers was not.

The 'real' world was being careful of everything you said because it just might hurt someone, when hers was not.

The 'real' world was her mom screaming at her dad, when hers was not.

The 'real' world was her dad spending hours not at home, and her mom accusing him of cheating, when hers was not.

Her world was whatever Yui wanted it to be - it was always happy and nice, and there was no pain and no suffering, no tears and no screams.

Her world was whatever Yui needed it to be -  it was a place of peace and quiet, of joyous laughs, no cherry stained shirts and no hidden sobs.

Her world was Yui's peace, and it was just hers.

When Yui was 5, she met a girl named Coraline, whom Yui sympathized with a lot. Corrie had just lost her dad and Yui understood, because her dad had left her too.

Maybe it was different, she remembers thinking, but it's the same.

Maybe it's different, but it's the same pain.

They became friends, the best of them, and never left each other.

As years passed and seasons changed, they both grew up and somehow still stayed the same.

Yui was still happy, living in a world that nobody else could see, and Corrie's mind continued to whirl, thinking of creating her world for everyone to see.

Maybe it was to be expected, she thought. 

She clutched her backpack, now tearing at the seams.

Happiness never stays, never when you want it to.

The truck that stood in front of Corrie's house was harmless, but she wanted to tear out every stupid piece of metal until the screeching became music.

So when Corrie moved and Yui was alone, all alone again, she knew, without a trace of uncertainty, that the world she had been born in would never be good like the one from her mind.

Yui looked through her windows to see the truck gone, Corrie and Leo along with it.

She pulled her curtains shut.

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