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A few days later Hitoshi came to my room in a rush but took the effort to gently shut the door. "Hide me from my dad." Rather then a request it was more like a demand though I didn't really mind it. "Only if you give me access to music, I've been suffering without listening to anything." He raised an eyebrow at me then threw me his phone, a totally foreign object for me that I didn't know how to work. "So why are you hiding from dadzawa?" I asked while trying the buttons on the side of the phone as an attempt to turn it on.

"He's excessively monitoring me for no reason." Hitoshi's phone suddenly vibrated so i dropped it onto my bed out of suprise. "Don't mind that, it's probably him." Hitoshi sat on the edge of my bed, picked up his phone then put a song on. "What's this?" I asked curiously as I swung my head to the beat of the song. "Sarcasm." Hmm. I like it. For half an hour we sat on opposite ends of my bed and listened to whatever Hitoshi put on, until Shouta joined the scene, expecting his son to be there.

"Hey, have you seen Hitoshi." He asked me furiously with his eyes glowing red and his hair floating up. "No, not since three days ago when you took him, by the way tell him that I can't wait to finish the series." Thats a lie, in truth he was lying behind the furthest side of my bed, he got down there the moment we heard footsteps approaching. Shouta looked at me with suspicion then started shutting the door. " I'll be straight with you, I refuse to let my son anywhere near you, you should be isolated in this room where you can't harm anyone." He slammed the door and walked away. "You know, I still can't blame him, it makes sense afterall."

Hitoshi waited a few more minutes and then got up when he knew for certain that he was gone. "So hitoshi how long you staying here? You'll die of hunger if you stay too long." He looked at the door then back at me after he sat on the bed again. "At least a day or so, just until I get my point across." What was his point though? Why was he avoiding Shouta?
"Hitoshi, why are you really avoiding Shouta? All it sounds like to me is that he's gonna lock me in here for the rest of my life, does that really concern you?" His eyes pointed at the floor, trying to avoid my gaze. "I'll put the TV on so we can finish the series." He didn't even hide the fact that he was avoiding the question.

We finished the series, at the end I just smiled at it psychotically at how amazing it was but Hitoshi did nothing but watch me the entire time, it seemed like he might have been bothered about something. I fell to my left and my head landed on his lap. I looked up at him as he questioningly looked down. "Now what are you doing?" He gave me another awkward smile like the one from before. "Your not very good at smiling." I told him bluntly with a blank face. "And neither are you." He shot back, then we just stared at each other in silence. "So... are you going to get up." He questioned since my head was still on his lap. "Tell me why your avoiding shouta then I'll move." I said with curious eyes.

He finally caved in and let out a small laugh. "Have you ever heard of the saying, curiosity killed the cat?" I tilted my head a bit. "Anyway, I'm avoiding dad because I can." I sulked. "That's not a real answer." He looked up a bit and sighed. "I guess it's because...I don't mind spending my time like this." He muttered the last part quietly, and rubbed the back of his head. "What was that, I didn't catch that last part?" I smirked at him with a fiendish grin. "I enjoy spending my time with you, is that what you wanted to hear." He growled at me, then we both laughed. "Me too!" I said but it felt like hollow words, what did it mean to enjoy spending time with others?

I dropped my smile and looked empty. "Are you alright?" Hitoshi asked but I didn't know how to respond. "What does it mean...to enjoy being with someone else?" At that he looked confused, he didn't know how to respond. I sat up and took my head off of his lap and stared into his eyes as he stared back. "I don't know, I guess, you just..." he trailed off, lost in his own thoughts, he looked so tired and done. He looked delicious.

I leaned towards him, he flinched slightly but then followed my lead, leaning in as well, this time Shouta would not interrupt us. He was hesitating so I shoved my lips onto his, at first he was stiff, but then relaxed a bit. I placed one hand on his shoulder, the other on the back of his neck. He put one hand on my knee, the other just hanging there with no place to go. The kiss got deeper as I applied more force onto his lips not even letting him break away for a breath. I started exploring his mouth until my inhuman urges kicked in and I started chewing on his lip to the point where it started bleeding.

He pushed away from me then touched his lip, looking at the blood coming out. "Well your quite the hungry one aren't you." He said to me laughing, while I watched him. I didn't think to apologise or make up a lie, the only thing I could think about is that I want more. "Sorry but you can't have any more, if this goes any further I could imagine that you'd devour me." Ah, I think I said that out loud. He leaned against the head board at the front of my bed and kept wiping the blood off with his thumb. "Hey, come here." He commanded me so I just layed down, putting my head on his lap again. "Stick your tongue out." I followed and then he wiped the blood off his thumb and onto my tongue, allowing me another taste.

I then sat up besides him, held onto his shoulders and gently licked his lips clean, and smiled at him with satisfaction. "Should I see you as a vampire, monster, or demon as my dad says." He asked me, though I didn't respond until the taste of his blood was completely erased from my mouth. "I'm fine with anything but a human, even if you call me a freak of nature sent from hell." I bit down on the tip of my finger until it bled and wiped it on his lips, watching as the small wound quickly healed. "Though I'd say I'm more of a double edged sword. The be all and end all."

He then stood up and made his way to the door. "Where are you going?" I asked him and he looked in my direction as he reached for the door handle. "I'm going to go speak to my dad, and anyway I'm not about to stay the night with a calamity of nature." He said jokingly as the door shut, leaving me with my unfulfilled desires.

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