00. curious beginnings

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    Tiny feet made pitter patter noises as the young princess made her way down a corridoor as fast as her legs could carry her. A few feet ahead of her, her dog, a small beagle that was supposed to be stoic and protective, hobbled along faster than she could run, wanting to escape her cuddles. She could barely keep up with him well enough to follow him when he disappeared around corners.

    They ran across a hall, down a flight of stairs, through the gardens and into another stone entryway, which was nearly overgrown with vines and flowers that no one had bothered to take care of.

    Little did she know that after tonight she would be making this trip as often as she could help it.

    She was running with all her might, and her bare feet were beginning to hurt since she had abandoned her shoes soon after the chase started. She sped up for a final sprint in hopes she would be able to pounce on her pup. Luckily she was able to bring herself to a stop when the dog turned a corner and found himself at a dead end.

    She skidded to a halt so suddenly that she fell to the stone ground, hard. She gasped and shut her eyes tightly at the instant pain, hoping she wouldn't have to fuss about it, but tears welled up in her eyes and she began to cry softly despite her efforts.

    The beagle, seemingly ignorant of fact that he was the cause of her new problem, wimpered slightly and curled up next to her, making himself out as the victim as well. The princess took a few deep breaths and wiped the tears from her eyes before she eased herself off the ground, rubbing her wounded tail bone. She frowned at her puppy and picked him up forcefully, not sparing any gentleness for the little runaway.

    After picking up her dog she looked around to try and figure out where their pursuit had led them. She found herself looking up at a large, wooden door. It seemed very well made and sturdy, despite the wood being old and splintery.

    "Where have you led us Corny?" She wondered allowed, studying the door as she hugged her dog closer to her. His name was actually Cornflower, named after flowers in the garden, but she had started leaving off the flower part of his name because she felt that it embarrassed him. She was only 8.

    She slowly approached the door, debating whether or not she should try and open it. However, her mental battle lasted a total of 3 seconds, as her curiosity got the best of her. She reached toward the curved metal handle of the door and pulled it toward her, surprised to find that it was unlocked. The door swung open almost silently, just barely skidding across the uneaven stone floor, and soon there was a space big enough for her to step through, still holding Cornflower.

    She closed the door behind her and turned to find herself in the the beginnings of a winding hallway. The stone ground and walls were uneaven and broken looking, and the wooden ceiling was supported by dilapidated looking beams. She pushed the thought of the structure collapsing out of her mind as she looked around. Every few steps there were small-ish doorways along the walls, closed off by a door of metal bars. Suddenly she inhaled sharply and went still.

She was in the palace prisons.

She was about to turn and leave when Cornflower lept out of her arms and started sauntering farther down the hallway. Her eyes went wide and she craned her neck to try and see if there were any guards or anyone who could either hurt her or worse, tell her mother that she had wandered down there alone.

Seeing no one, she tip toed after Cornflower, careful not to make any unecessary sounds or movements. After a few moments she managed to snatch him up, prompting him to whine in frustration. She was about to turn back and rush to the door when she glanced around and realized something strange.

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