Part 4

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When we all fell to the ground we all went to the other room, where I a disappeared and when we took a step and stuff was moving again. I was floating like the only one , I went down and fell roy catches me , but I still fall , he's not a good catcher . I feel you guys looked at me
J- what
V- your hair
J- what about it
A- it's blue , well the tips
J- that's rude
When I said that my hair tips turned red
V- it changed color it's so cool
J- woah and where did you get those ear rings
V- idk....
Abdullatif hits you
V - hey
R- yeah
V - hold my hoops
J- ok
R -well this be fun
J- yep
R- done fighting
A- yes , are you done beating me up
V- now I am
We were about to leave , when we heard a sound then water started to come out , the building was on fire and we were locked.
R - shouldn't we be running
J- yeah but the door is locked and there's fire
V- quick take the evidence
A- what do we do
R- hope we survive
J- peace out guys
We all jump and fell the window was broken and when we jumped we had some glass on us, with a little bit a of blood...
A- is everyone ok
J- you think I'm bleeding from my arm it has glass but it's really sharp
V- yeah
R- plus all of us has scars now
A- true , can one of you guys walk or anything without feeling pain
J- yeah why
A- we need a hospital now
J- ok , I'll try to carry you guys
I carried you guys , while one you had more blood and I was afraid to loose any of you , so I hurried up really fast
J- we are here
A- ok now take us into the hospital
J- Ughh , you owe me for this
A - fine bitch
J- some one help us
Nurse - ok I'll get the doctor while you sit in the waiting room
R- waiting room?!?!
A- we are covered with blood and we need medical attention now
Nurse - fine , all of you will be in the same room
V- ok that's not that bad
J- yeah
They took us to the room and we were there lying down on to the bed
J- hey guess what
R- what
J- whole I was carrying you guys , I left a blood track
A- oh , we should have thought of that first
J- you think
V- yeah ... Sorry
J- real nice , what good friends are you
A- Ikr , were such good friends
R- she was being sarcastic
A- right , I got you
J- bitch
R- idk about you guys but I'm sleeping
J- yeah should be sleeping
We a slept over the night I woke up scared and screamed
R- what happen
J- nothing I'm ok
R- k night
I slept again and the same thing happened
J- Ahhhhhhhh
V- you ok
J - yeah I guess
R- she was like that at 4am
Doc- What's all the screaming
A- Joselyn keeps on screaming for no reason
V- yeah
Doc - let me see
R- what's going on with her
Doc - she's gonna-
A- what she's gonna what
V- Plz tell it straight
Doc - she's gonna loose all her blood and she 10 centimeters dilated , she doesn't have anytime to get blood
R - what happens if she looses all her blood
Doc - She's dead , which it kinda seems like why she's screaming
J- ahhhhhhhh
Doc - see
J- you son of a bitch , get me help now or you'll pay !!!!
Doc - yes mam , I'll get you a pint of blood in 5 minutes
A- joselyn calm down
J- shut up , or I'll get you
V- she's getting crazy isn't she
R- yes saddly
It passed more than 5 minutes and I kept on loosing blood
J- where's the doctor?!?!?!
Nurse - he'll be here sometime soon , now take the rest to sleep
She said as she was shaking when she responded
A- yeah, maybe that's what we need
I fell asleep havering the same nightmare and the more it got scarier, I woke up and I got out of the bed , I left you guys in the hospital, I went back still a little crazy. The next morning your guys wake up and see that I'm not there.
V- where's joselyn !?!?
R- there's a note , good thing I wasn't plunged to anything
Roy went to get the note and it's says
Note : Last night I left the hospital , and left the 3 of you , hope you'll never find me
A- no!!! She didn't !!!
R- yes she did
V- we need to find her
A- ok let's go , as soon as we get out of this hospital
V- and how long would it be
R- let me check , like about 2 days
A- 2 DAYS no we must leave now , like pronto
V- well what can we do
A- idk
When the nurse came in she saw that I wasn't there , she called the police, it was a new case of my mystery. When she left you guys got out of bed and went to my house which it wasn't burned that bad... You searched for me and nothing. You guys watched the news to see if there is anything about me but as it states,
Breaking news - 4 patients left the hospital and are now searching for them , one might be declared dead
All you guys faces was like 😱
R- wait remember when joselyn found other evidence about her " death "
A- yeah what about it , besides that was fake evidence
R- yeah but there's one under her bed
V- oh , found it
R- look , it says that 4 patients are missing and one is declared dead so , they may think joselyn is dead if they never find her , but why doesn't she want to be found
V- idk , all I know it that we are searching for her
A- we have been walking for hours and nothing has happened we didn't even find joselyn
V- yeah but -
A- but what I'm f'ing tired let's rest
V- fine
R - hey there's a photo of joselyn
V- really
R- yeah look
You take the photo away from roy and look at it for a minute or two
A- this is joselyn
V- ik but is that her body or again her soul
R- looks a little bit of both but in the picture she looks like she's cutting something
V- well yeah and no wonder there a blood stain on the photo
A - good night bitches
You threw a rock at abdullatif
A- ow and thank for making me bleed
V- your welcome and your ok
A- yeah it's not that much
V- ok night dick
A- meanie
R- both sleep now , we can fight again in the morning
A&V - fine
The next morning you wake up and you hear noises plus it was snowing and there was nothing else to eat other than the snow that was falling so you made a plate and out it on the ground , so you could eat.
A- morning
V- hi
A- wyd
V- getting snow ....
R- what why snow
V- that's the only thing we could eat and there's no pond or you want to resort to cannibalism
A&R - nvm
R- let's just eat this snow
A- lets continue walking
V- ok
You guys keep on walking and walking
V- there's something on my leg
A- let me see
V- ahhhh it's a snake get it aways from me !!!!!
A- ok geeze , ow
V- what happened , you ok
R- does he look ok to you
V- no...
A- of course not it just bit me
You rip a piece of you jeans and give it to him and he raps it around his hand, then you walk again , it was 3am you guys stop again and roy falls on someone
A- give me a flashlight
V- here
R- Joselyn?
V- you ok
J- ahhhhhhhh
A&V&R - ahhhhhh
J - ahhhhh
V- why we yelling
J- idk but you need to go back
R- why
J- I don't need any of you to face from what I'm facing it's too dangerous
V- so we want to help
J- yeah but -
A person was shooting at us
J- run!!!!
We all start running , you 3 go somewhere else and I leave you guys again , I was running but I was still loosing blood very slowly , I fall I could walk or run my legs were hurting
R- I found her , come with us
J- can't
R- why
J- I can't run or walk anymore , I might as well stay here
R- you can't be alone
J- watch me
I try to stand and run , he catches me and carries me back to where you and abdullatif are
J- hey put me down
R- no
J- bitch or should I say dick
R- say what you want
He found you both
A- why you keep running
J- I told you before , this is my fight not yours
V- yeah yeah , look at yourself
J- yeah so , I got a few scratches and maybe a little bit of blood and I haven't eaten in days
A- oh ... You want to eat
J- yes plz I'm dying
You guys made me dinner so I could eat while I was telling you guys why I left and everything else
A- it's done
J- ok give me the food now
I was eating like an animal , I was really hungry
A- what now
J- I have to go
R- you can't just keep leaving us
J- hey I'm trying to protect you guys and the least I want is for you guys to die
V- ok.. But why do they want to kill you
J- idk crazy ppl shit I guess
A- makes sense
J- yep it does
R - the news said that you might be declared dead because no one ever found you execpt us
J- yeah so

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