Chapter XXIII: Path to Redemption

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"It's The Silver City," Lucifer said in awe as he stared down at the light, through which he could scarcely see those pearly gates. The last time he saw them was when Michael kicked him out of Heaven. "Michael, I-I know I need to go in there to save the Detective's immortal soul, but..."

"Yes, and you will go through. Hurry! We do not have much time!"

"I don't know if I can! It's The Silver City!"

"We need to go. Now!" Michael grabbed Lucifer by an arm and pulled him toward the gate, but Lucifer wrestled his arm free and backed away. "Brother!" He looked up over Lucifer's shoulder, gasped, and then looked at him with wide eyes. "We cannot delay!"

"But it's Heaven! How can I go there when Father hates me?"

"You attempted to go there with Goddess before you thankfully chose forgiveness over revenge!"

"I would've cut through the gates of Heaven, yes." He put his face in his hand, taking deep breaths to calm down. Behind him, he heard screaming that seemed to be getting further and further away, almost as if they'd fallen from a great height. "What was that?"

"Demons. Nothing more," Michael said urgently, looking between whatever was behind Lucifer and him, "Focus on this. What would you have done after cutting through the gates of Heaven?"

"I never meant to go in there," Lucifer confessed, "I wanted to kick Mum through the gates and close them behind Her. I... I can't go there, Michael! Father hates me."

Michael sighed, looking like he was trying to find the words. "Father... He does not hate you."

Lucifer looked at him, aggrieved, thinking about the eons of loneliness, of pleading for any sort of response from the Almighty, but only for his prayers to fall on deaf ears. "Oh, really?!" he cried out incredulously, "Excuse me while I go take another dip in the lake of fire while Dad just stands back and watches me burn!"

"Seconds after you died, a storm formed over Los Angeles, and it rained for hours. I believe Father was mourning your passing."

"Because that's not unambiguous at all," Lucifer said, scoffing, "You know what's not ambiguous? Me, going through a literal Hell, because of Him. Even if He did mourn me, it doesn't change all this. I wandered Hell, completely alone, listening to those bloody doors clawing at my guilt, for three centuries. I've been stuck in a Hell Loop for another three hundred. Not once has Dad spoken to me or done anything to help me. And now He'd banish you for helping me. How is what He's doing to us—in any way, shape, or form—love?"

"I agree. This is wrong."

"Wait, hold up. Did you just agree with me?" Lucifer asked, shocked at what he was hearing, "Did you, the Sword of God and most loyal son, just agree with the Devil about Dad?"

"I have learned much while you have been gone. Father allowing you to suffer like this is not love. Father punishing me for saving you is not love. He may have plan for us, and He may love us in His own way, but His way of setting that plan in motion is cruel and unjust."

"Well," Lucifer started, still shocked that Michael was finally opening his eyes, "Maybe there's still hope for us."

"I would like that," Michael said with a soft smile, then he glanced over his shoulder again and looked worried, "But we need to go. Now. Walk into the light, please."

"And you're certain Father doesn't hate me?"

"I am certain of it. You were always His favorite son, no matter what some ancient Sumerian book would have Amenadiel believe."

"Ha. Don't tell him that." Lucifer took one step toward the gate of Eden. "I will go in."

"Yes. Go." Michael looked over his shoulder again, his eyes flew open, and he gazed at Lucifer. "Hurry!"

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